Health Economics Program
Annual Work
- Chartbooks
- Health Access Survey
- Minnesota All Payer Claims Database (MN APCD)
- Health Care Quality Measures
- Rx Price Transparency
Special Projects
- Implementation Updates
- Hospital Bed Moratorium
- Market Oversight
- Medical and Dental Standard Charges
- Study of Telehealth Expansion
- Statewide Health Care Needs and Capacity
- Universal Health Care Finance System
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Minnesota Health Care Markets Chartbook
The Health Economics Program’s “Minnesota Health Care Markets Chartbook” is intended to provide convenient access to the most up-to-date Minnesota statistics on a wide variety of topics, including health care spending and drivers of increased health care costs in Minnesota, access to insurance coverage, and health care provider trends. The chartbook is updated regularly as new data and analysis become available.
Each section of the chartbook contains many graphs and charts, a summary of each can be found at the links below. Those not listed will be added soon.
Section 1: Minnesota Health Care Spending and Cost Drivers - Chart Summaries
Section 2: Trends and Variation in Health Insurance Coverage - Chart Summaries
Section 3: Employment-Based Health Insurance - Chart Summaries
Section 4: Individual and Small Group Health Insurance Markets - Chart Summaries
Section 5: Public Health Insurance Programs - Chart Summaries
Section 6: Uninsurance and the Safety Net - Chart Summaries
Section 7: Health Plan Companies - Chart Summaries
Section 7: Health PLan Companies - Supplement Summaries
Section 8A: Health Care Providers and Service Availability - Hospitals - Chart Summaries
Section 8B: Health Care Providers and Service Availability - Clinics, Diagnostic Imaging, and Other Facilities - Chart Summaries