Deaths: Interactive Query (Mortality)
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User guide
Mortality data
Mortality data table
Crude death rates
Age-adjusted death rates
Premature deaths (<75 years) and age-adjusted rates
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How to use these dashboards
- Current visualizations include data from 2020-2023; MDH will incorporate additional years as new data becomes available.
- Due to the large volume of data displayed, users may need to scroll vertically or horizontally to view the complete information on each dashboard.
- MDH encourages users to review the data specifications included in this user guide for additional context on the data: Vital Statistics Interactive Query: User Guide (PDF).
- For help and assistance with these dashboards, please contact the MDH Center for Health Statistics.
Mortality data
This mortality data dashboard includes categories such as cause of death, residence county, race/ethnicity, and age group. Users can explore trends by selecting specific counties or categories. Data for missing or unknown counties is included in the analysis for a comprehensive view.
Counts fewer than 10 are represented by an asterisk (*) symbol.
Data tables for download:
2020 Annual Summary: Death Data (CSV)
2021 Annual Summary: Death Data (CSV)
2022 Annual Summary: Death Data (CSV)
2023 Annual Summary: Death Data (CSV)
Mortality data table
This cross-tabulation of categories (such as race/ethnicity, month of death, cause of death, and education) enables comparison and analysis across various dimensions. Explore statistical data by selecting one or more counties and years to compare trends.
Counts fewer than 10 are represented by an asterisk (*) symbol.
Data tables for download:
2020 Annual Summary: Death Data Table (CSV)
2021 Annual Summary: Death Data Table (CSV)
2022 Annual Summary: Death Data Table (CSV)
2023 Annual Summary: Death Data Table (CSV)
Crude death rates
Explore the crude death rate to analyze trends across different counties or statewide statistics. Data for missing or unknown counties is not included in this analysis. Crude death rate is a measure of the number of deaths in a given population, typically expressed per 100,000 individuals over a specific period.
Data table for download: Minnesota Crude Death Rates Data 2020-2023 (CSV)
Age-adjusted death rates
The dashboard displays age-adjusted death rates on maps, charts, and tables, along with the number of deaths for each category. Hover over the map to view specific county statistics and compare sub-state level data with State of Minnesota statistics. Age-adjusted death rate is a mortality rate that has been modified to account for age differences in a population, allowing for more accurate comparisons across populations with different age structures.
Data tables for download: Minnesota Age-Adjusted Death Rates 2020-2023 (CSV)
Premature deaths (<75 years) and age-adjusted rates
Explore trends using maps, charts, and tables to monitor premature deaths and age-adjusted premature death rates. Premature deaths refer to deaths that occur before the expected age of death for a given population, often less than 75 years. Age-adjusted premature death rate adjusts the premature death rate to account for differences in age distribution across populations, allowing for accurate comparisons.
Data tables for download: Minnesota Premature Death Rates Data 2020-2023 (CSV)