Case Mix Review
RUG-IV Directory of Fact Sheets
The fact sheets are designed around individual topics and RUG categories and can be provided individually or as a package of several based on the needs of individual resident. As an example a new admission with a case mix classification of RAB might be provided with a package of fact sheets that include: "What is Case Mix?", "Who to call for Case Mix Information?", "Case Mix Questions and Answers", Requesting a Reconsideration," "What is Rehabilitation?" and "What is an ADL Score?". Another example would be a long time resident whose case mix classification changed from a PA1 to CA1 due to an active diagnosis of pneumonia might be provided with the fact sheets "What is Clinically Complex?" and "Requesting a Reconsideration?". Residents, resident representatives and families may be directed to the fact sheets on this page or may be given hard copies.