Healthy Homes Minnesota
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Environmental Health Division
Pest Management and Pesticides
Pesticides may be used in and around the home to control a variety of pests - such as insects, weeds, mice, and microorganisms (e.g., molds, bacteria). Many common household products are pesticides, including disinfectants, ant and roach sprays, and head lice shampoos. If these products are used or stored improperly, they may be harmful to your health.
According to data collected from the American Association of Poison Control Centers, tens of thousands of children are involved in common household pesticide-related poisonings or exposures each year in the United States. Pesticides exposures may also result in chronic and sometimes more subtle adverse health effects, depending on the nature and extent of exposures, product ingredients/toxicity, and other factors.
If pesticides are used indoors, they should be used carefully according to label directions. In many cases, parents and others in the home may take steps to prevent or reduce unnecessary pesticide exposures. For consultation or more information about pesticides, see the links below or Healthy Homes Contacts.
- Minnesota Poison Control System
1-800-222-1222 - National Pesticide Information Center
Tips for Reducing Exposures
There are many steps that you can take to prevent or reduce unnecessary pesticide exposures around the home. For example:
- Reduce the need to use chemical pesticides. Prevent pests from entering the home by closing or sealing openings. Eliminate sources of food and moisture so that the environment is not conducive to pests. Use physical means to control pests, such as fly swatters, whenever possible.
- If you use pesticide products at home or elsewhere: (1) use products such as horticultural oils and diatomaceous earth or non-broadcast products such as baits or traps; (2) read and follow all label instructions, including instructions regarding the proper use of the pesticide product, the location for application, the quantity to be applied, the frequency of application, the method of application; and (3) remove food, dishes, toys, and other objects before treating indoors.
- Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them.
- Avoid treated areas during and after treatment.
- Remove shoes at the door so that soil and dust with pesticide residues are not tracked into the house.
- Ensure that pesticide products are stored in safe containers and in places where children do not have access to them.
Hiring a Reputable Applicator
If you plan to hire a pesticide applicator, shop around. Ask the pesticide applicator for a current Minnesota license to apply pesticides, and ask questions about the pesticide product (name of product, active ingredient) and method of application. Ask where the applications may be made, and what steps you can take to reduce unnecessary exposures (e.g., remove toys, objects from the room when the application is made). Also, identify steps that you can take to prevent the pest problem from reoccurring so that future pesticide applications will not be necessary. For more information about hiring a reputable pesticide applicator, contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 651-201-6000.
Evaluating Your Risks
For information about pesticide products and assessing exposures and health risks, see Evaluate Your Pesticide Risk or Healthy Homes Contacts.
Reporting an Incident
If you believe that you were exposed to pesticides as a result of an illegal pesticide application (i.e., the application was not made according to directions on the product label), report the incident to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) Agricultural Chemical Investigations Unit at 651-201-6696. MDA will evaluate the information and determine if further investigation and/or disciplinary action is needed. MDA is the lead state agency for reporting and investigating pesticide incidents in Minnesota.
Minnesota Department of Health
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