Drinking Water Information for Business and Government
- Water systems that supply water to people in their homes, including mobile home parks, prisons, etc.
- Pools, noncommunity public water and private well water delegations.
- Information about available funds that provide below market rate loans for public water system improvements.
- Information for well contractors, water operators, scientists and planners.
- Basics of monitoring and testing of drinking water.
- Water systems that supply water to the public in places other than their homes.
- Requirements and instructions for drinking water system plan review in Minnesota.
- Information for facilities that regularly serve an average of 25 or more people per day for at least 60 days per year.
- Nontransient water systems that serve at least 25 of the same people over six months of the year.
- Requirements, recommendations and resources for public water suppliers, geospatial data and source water assessments.
- Laws and rules pertaining to drinking water.
- Construction, repair and sealing of wells and borings.