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Emergency Preparedness and Response
Long-Term Care Toolkit Appendix J: Evacuation Transportation
Based on your residents’ needs, levels of mobility, cognitive abilities, and health status, the long-term care facility/agency should develop evacuation logistics as part of your emergency operations plan (EOP). The following is an example of such a logistics plan.
See transportation tab in Excel spreadsheet for further information.
- Residents who can walk without assistance will be accompanied by a designated staff member to the designated mode of transportation.
- Residents who require assistance with walking will be accompanied by designated staff member to the designated mode of transportation.
- Residents who are non-ambulatory will be transferred by designated staff members via the designated mode of transportation.
- Residents with cognitive impairments will be accompanied by an assigned staff member via the designated mode of transportation.
- Residents with equipment/prosthetics equipment/prosthetics should accompany residents and be securely stored in the designated mode of transportation.
- Medical records: Each resident will be evacuated with necessary individual medical information.
- Medications: Each resident will be evacuated with a minimum of a three-day supply of medications. If medications require refrigeration, indicate plan to keep medications cool.
- Estimated evacuation time: Calculate based on the number of residents and estimated time for each based on assistance required.
- Resident tracking: Indicate who is responsible for keeping the log of residents’ locations post-evacuation (some situations may require residents going to numerous locations).
- Resident justification: Indicate who is responsible for making a final check and head count of residents to ensure all residents have been evacuated.
* Estimate number and types of vehicles needed to evacuate; use excel document to make customizable*
Last Updated: 02/24/2023