Drug Overdose Prevention
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Minnesota Drug Overdose Prevention TOWN Grant FAQ
All questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by email to: health.preventionrfp@state.mn.us
Every attempt will be made to provide answers within five business days, but no later than 4:30 p.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT) Friday, May 3, 2024.
Q: Is the Minnesota Department of Corrections (MN DOC) eligible for a grant?
A: Yes. The MN DOC is an eligible applicant for the grant.
Q: Would the grant be for MN DOC to be used in 11 facilities or could there be a grant(s) for specific facilities?
A: Please review Section 2.2 of the RFP. This section outlines the requirements around each of the eligible projects in the RFP. If the project meets the requirements of the category the applicants is applying for, there is flexibility the details of the proposed project.
Q: Would the grant be restricted to our Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) for Release program, e.g., buprenorphine, Sublocade, Brixadi?
A: Please review Section 2.2 of the RFP. This section outlines the requirements around each of the eligible projects in the RFP. If the project meets the requirements of the category the applicants is applying for, there is flexibility the details of the proposed project.
Q: In preparing the budget template, it is not clear how to prepare the 4-year budget summary to show adequate justification for the life of the grant. Are applicants to assume that the value calculated for the 1st year would be multiplied by 4 to estimate the 4-year summary?
A: Applicants are only required to provide a detailed narrative for the first year of the grant program. Detailed narrative is not required for years 2-4. If awarded, detailed budget narratives will be collected each year. The 4-year summary could be the total of each category multiplied by 4, but it does not have to be. Please provide both a detailed year 1 budget narrative and a summary of the expected expenses by budget category over the 4 year grant period.
Q: When downloading the attachments from the website, Attachment E: Conflict of Interest does not open. Minnesota Drug Overdose Prevention TOWN Grant RFP.
A: Thanks for identifying the broken link. It has been fixed. See the Attachment E: Conflict of Interest (PDF).
Q: We intend to apply for Category 1, and we have identified a primary care clinic for the Tackling Overdose With Networks (TOWN) model. Do we need to identify multiple primary care clinics when applying for Category 1? From my understanding of Category 2, awardee(s) for this category would work with the 4-6 clinics that are awarded in Category 1 (see top of page 11 in RFP). If only 2 awards are anticipated for Category 1, then would each awardee for Category 1 have multiple primary care clinics identified for the planned work? Or are these categories not linked in that way?
A: Category 1 only requires that one primary care clinic be identified per applicant. Additional clinics were identified in a previous Request for Proposal.
Q: Are incentives for patients such as gas cards, bus passes, taxi voucher, gift card for a meal would be considered an eligible expense under the TOWN Grant RFP?
A: Yes. These are allowable expenses. Please note that the items listed are considered incentives and are subject to MDH’s incentive policy. If the grantee is including incentives as a part of the work plan and budget, the grantee is required to have policies and procedures in place addressing the purchasing, security, distribution, and asset tracking of incentives. All grantee staff involved in the purchase, distribution, security, and reconciling of incentives must be trained on the grantee’s policies and procedures prior to the grantee placing any order for incentives. Those policies and procedures must, at a minimum, include the following: separation of duties, distribution of incentives, incentive tracking documentation, reconciliation, subgrantee/subcontracting oversight regarding incentives, lost or stolen incentives, and invoicing. Please see the sample grant agreement for more detailed information regarding the required procedures to implement incentives as a part of the work plan and budget.
Q: If an organization has active grant agreements for MDH projects like Overdose 2 Action (OD2A) and Minnesota Drug Overdose and Substance Use Surveillance Activity (MNDOSA), would the organization be precluded from being considered for the TOWN grant?
A: No. This would not be a condition that would preclude applicants from applying to this grant program. Current and past MDH grantees are eligible applicants
Q: We are in Central Minnesota, thinking about applying in Category 1. Am I right in interpreting that despite our having a small network of clinics within our system, we would also be assigned to network with previously selected clinics if chosen?
A: Yes. There will be between four to six TOWN projects that will be funded for 2024-2028. This network will have access to similar resources, technical assistance, and a low barrier telehealth provider.
Q: Do you anticipate that a guiding criteria for selection would be those targeted metro and special population buckets mentioned in the RFP?
A: Please see the scoring criteria beginning on page 27 of the RFP. You will notice that some sections of the application incorporate the priority areas and populations into the scoring of the application.
Q: Also wondering if the budget amounts you mention (two grants, four years, $1.6M) weeds out smaller applicants (rural) whose projected program expenses are anticipated to be less than $100,000 a year?
A: In category 1, it is estimated that each applicant will be awarded $200,000 per year or $800,000 over the four-year grant period. The grant program intends to award two applicants in the RFP. These are estimates; actual awards may vary based on the budget needs of the applicants. All projects regardless of size or geographical location are encouraged to apply.
Q: Could you please verify that the source of the funding does not involve any federal dollars?
A: No. The source of this funding does not involve any federal dollars. This program is 100% state funded.
Q: I am writing to inquire about the language in the attached RFP. On page 24 (item 5), it states that you will cover the federally negotiated rate of the grantee institution. On the budget template, it looks like the IDC rate is noted at 10%. If someone could please clarify this language and please post what IDC rate will apply to this RFP specifically.
A: MDH policy caps indirect costs at either a grantee’s federally negotiated rate or at 10%, as applied to a grant’s total direct costs. The field is editable, so if your organization has a federally negotiated rate, please enter your federally approved rate into the budget template. Grantees who wish to charge indirect at a federally negotiated rate must submit a copy of their current federal rate agreement with their application.