Substance Use Prevention, Education, and Recovery (SUPER) Focus Grants - Request for Proposals
The Minnesota Department of Health, herein after MDH, is soliciting proposals for substance misuse prevention, education, recovery, and treatment programming for prioritized communities of focus. Approximately 65% of funds are reserved for American Indians living in urban settings, individuals impacted by the justice system, and Black/African Americans. Remaining funds will be used for other communities of focus based on age, disability, gender identity, geographic location, mental health conditions, race or ethnicity, sexual orientation.
25% of selected applicants will have a youth under age 25 focused proposals. Programming will have two components for applicants to focus on.
Primary Focus: Recovery and prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) programming that assist communities prevent substance use, and/or initiate, stabilize, and maintain long-term recovery from substance misuse and disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions.
Secondary Focus: Systems change to implement, strengthen, or expand substance use treatment and mental health programs. Grantees may use up to 25% of their funds on the secondary focus.
Enhancement Opportunity: A short-term infusion of funds is available through June 30, 2026, for applicants who would like focus on activities and strategies to build capacity and/or to address the intersection of substance misuse and mental health in Minnesota communities. Applicants may choose to apply for these funds in addition to the primary and secondary focus areas, or only for the enhancement opportunity.
It is anticipated that a minimum of $2,500,000 will be available for each year of the grant period, and an additional $2,450,000 in Fiscal Year 2025 and 2026 for the short-term enhancement opportunity.
Important dates
- March 19, 2025: RFP informational meeting
- March 21, 2025: Letter of intent deadline
- April 2, 2025: Last day to submit RFP questions
- April 11, 2025: Application deadline
- April 23, 2025: Notice of funding decisions
- June 1, 2025: Grant start date
- June 30, 2029: Grant ends
Funding is allocated from Sec. 342.72 MN Statutes.
Funding will be allocated through a competitive process. If selected, you may only incur eligible expenditures when the grant agreement is fully executed, and the grant has reached its effective date. The total grant award will reflect four equal installments of funding for four years. MDH’s fiscal year starts July 1 and ends June 30.
- Estimated Amount to Grant: $4,950,000 is available for Fiscal Year 2025, 2026; $2,500,000 is available for Fiscal Year 2027, 2028, 2029
- Estimated Number of Awards: Up to 25
- Estimated Award Maximum: $500,000
- Estimated Award Minimum: $100,000
Please note: Entities already receiving funding from Sec. 342.72 MN Statutes are not eligible to apply for funding. Additionally, this RFP funding opportunity is separate from the "Communities That Care" RFP, which is available through the same program.
Questions and Answers
All questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by email to In the subject line, include the phrase, “SUPER RFP Question.” All answers will be posted within three business days.
Please submit questions no later than April 2, 2025, 4:30 p.m. (CDT)
The Substance Use Prevention, Education, and Recovery (SUPER) Focus Grants RFP Questions and Answers page contains all questions submitted and answers.