Measurement Framework
As part of a set of changes to the Minnesota Statewide Quality Reporting and Measurement System implemented during the 2017 legislative session, the Minnesota Legislature directed the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to develop a measurement framework in collaboration with a broad group of stakeholders.
During the first phase of framework development in 2018, MDH had rich conversations with a wide range of stakeholders that helped lay the groundwork for a new vision of health measurement in Minnesota. There is widespread enthusiasm for evolving our current quality measurement system and creating a stronger focus on improvement, as well as for widening the scope of measurement beyond health care to health broadly.
Phase 2: 2019
MDH augmented the Measurement Framework Steering Team with additional public health, community member, patient, and health care perspectives. During 2019, the steering team, with input from the broader stakeholder community, will:
- Refine the foundational values and principles that were developed during the first project phase;
- Develop a measurement framework vision and mission;
- Recommend a framework model that can evolve over time; and
- Recommend a governance structure and develop a governance charter.
Steering Team
MDH recruited a steering team to provide input on the second phase of framework development with a broader group of stakeholders. Meetings are open to the public.
Phase 1: 2018
A Measurement Framework for a Healthier Minnesota (PDF)
A Measurement Framework for a Healthier Minnesota Fact Sheet (PDF)
This report contains comprehensive findings from the first foundational phase of framework development, including a roadmap that is to guide the remaining work during 2019 and its implementation beginning in 2020.
In the first phase of measurement framework development, MDH used a mixed-mode approach to inform and guide the process. This included an environmental scan of quality measurement systems across the country, key informant interviews, stakeholder discussions, requests for public comment, and information on local and national quality improvement and measurement initiatives and systems.
Stakeholders included: consumer, community and advocacy organizations representing diverse communities and patients; health care providers whose quality is assessed, including providers who serve primarily socioeconomically complex patient populations; health plan companies; health care purchasers; community health boards; and quality improvement and measurement organizations.
Steering Team
MDH recruited a steering team to provide input on the first phase framework development with a broader group of stakeholders. MDH convened the team monthly and meetings were open to the public.
- Event: Stakeholder panel
Stay Informed
We will update this webpage with relevant information as the measurement framework initiative progresses. Please subscribe to Statewide Quality Reporting and Measurement System announcements to be notified of project updates, including opportunities for input.