Developmental and social-emotional screening
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Screening Instrument review process and criteria
Information from the Minnesota Interagency Developmental Screening Task Force
The Minnesota Interagency Developmental Screening Task Force convened in 2004 to establish a standard of practice for developmental and social-emotional screening of children birth through age five and to ensure the quality and effectiveness of screening. Partners include the Minnesota Departments of Education, Health, and Human Services.
The goals of the Task Force are to:
- Establish criteria for developmental (cognition, fine and gross motor skills, speech, and language) and social-emotional screening instrument selection.
- Develop a list of recommended and/or approved developmental and social-emotional screening instruments.
The Task Force integrates research and evidence-based practice to review developmental and social-emotional screening instruments. Information on screening instruments is gathered from several sources, including administration manuals, technical documents, literature reviews, and communication with the instrument developers and publishers.
Review criteria
Review criteria are based on nationally accepted psychometric standards. The Task Force reserves the right to modify the criteria standards used in the review. Developmental and social-emotional screening instruments that sufficiently meet the criteria outlined below are considered for recommendation/approval.
The Task Force evaluates the purpose of the instrument to ensure that it is focused on screening, rather than assessment or diagnostic evaluation and determines whether it is designed to screen for developmental and social-emotional health rather than predict the child's future academic success.
The following domains must be included in developmental screening: fine and gross motor, communication, cognitive, and social-emotional.
The social-emotional domains embedded within developmental screening instruments do not demonstrate adequate reliability and validity to determine if a child needs further assessment. Therefore, the Task Force also reviews and recommends separate instruments specifically for the social-emotional domain.
Reliability indicates of whether consistent results can be obtained with the same screening instrument across different circumstances. A reliable instrument is one in which differences in test results are attributable less to chance and more to systematic factors such as lasting and general characteristics of the child (Moodie et al., 2014).
- The Task Force expects reliability scores of approximately 0.70 or above.
- Each instrument is evaluated on the actual reliability scores and the methods used to obtain these scores, such as scores by age, test-retest, inter-rater, and intra-rater reliability.
Validity indicates how accurately a screening instrument distinguishes between children at risk and those not at risk for developmental or social delays or concerns. There are various measures of validity. The following are the key measures of validity for screening instruments:
- Sensitivity: Accuracy of the instrument in identifying children at risk for delayed development.
- Specificity: Accuracy of the instrument in identifying children not at risk for delayed development.
Other validity measures include:
- Content validity: How well the measures represent all aspects of a given domain and skills of interest.
- Construct validity: How well the instrument measures what it is supposed to measure.
- Concurrent validity: How well the instrument under study compares to reference-standard (gold standard) measures or valid diagnostic assessment, usually performed 7-10 days after the screening test. The validity coefficient reports the agreement between the two tests (Moodie et al., 2014).
- Positive predictive value: The probability that an instrument can accurately identify delayed development.
- The Task Force expects sensitivity and specificity scores of approximately 0.70 or above (Glascoe & Cairney, 2018).
- Each instrument is evaluated on the actual validity scores, sufficient sample size representative of the US population, and the methods used to obtain these scores.
Expectations for child development change over time as new research emerges and changes occur in population demographics, technology, and curriculum. According to national standards, screening instrument normative data should be updated every 10-15 years to account for these changes (Emmons and Alfonso, 2005; Glascoe & Cairney, 2018).
- The Task Force recommends instruments that have been developed or re-normed within the last 15 years unless no equivalent instrument is available to better meet the population's screening needs.
- Other considerations may include whether the instrument has had recent or ongoing research demonstrating its effectiveness in identifying children needing further evaluation for developmental or social-emotional concerns.
Additional Considerations
The Task Force also reviews the following critical considerations.
The Task Force considers:
- The instrument's availability in languages other than English, and whether the instrument has been validated in those languages.
- The instrument's ability to accurately screen children from diverse cultures.
- Normative scores, or scores used to establish appropriate cutoff points for referral for the population for which the test is developed (Moodie et al., 2014).
The minimum level of expertise required to administer the tool, score, and interpret the results are instrument-specific and can range from paraprofessional to doctoral-prepared professionals. Some instruments administration by a paraprofessional but need to be scored or evaluated by a professional to determine if the child should be referred for further assessment. The Task Force considers an instrument that requires administration by a psychologist or similar professional to be an assessment rather than a screening instrument.
The Task Force also reviews the availability of training materials or workshops for screeners to receive training on proper administration.
Emmons, M.R. & Alfonso, V.C. (2005). A critical review of the technical characteristics of current preschool screening batteries. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 23(11).
Glascoe, F.P., Cairney, J. (2018). Best Practices in Test Construction for Developmental-Behavioral Measures: Quality Standards for Reviewers and Researchers. In: Needelman, H., Jackson, B. (eds) Follow-Up for NICU Graduates. Springer, Cham.
Moodie, S., Daneri, P., Goldhagen, S., Halle, T., Green, K., & LaMonte, L. (2014). Early Childhood Developmental Screening: A Compendium of Measures for Children Ages Birth to Five. OPRE Report 2014-11. US Department of Health and Human Services.