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Environmental Health Division
Radiation Laws and Rules
To retrieve the entire Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4731,
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Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4731
4731.0100 | Definitions. |
4731.0200 | General applications. |
4731.0210 | Records. |
4731.0230 | Request for written statements. |
4731.0240 | Data privacy. |
4731.0250 | Inspections and testing. |
4731.0260 | Violations, enforcement, and penalties. |
4731.0270 | Modification and revocation of licenses. |
4731.0280 | Deliberate misconduct. |
4731.0290 | Employee protection. |
4731.0300 | Federal jurisdiction exclusion. |
4731.0315 | Critical mass. |
4731.0355 | Reciprocity. |
4731.0400 | Scope; enforcement notice. |
4731.0401 | Requirement for license. |
4731.0402 | Transportation of licensed material. |
4731.0403 | Exemptions. |
4731.0406 | General license; NRC-approved package. |
4731.0407 | Previously approved packages. |
4731.0409 | General license; foreign-approved package. |
4731.0410 | General license; fissile material, limited quantity per package. |
4731.0411 | General license; fissile material, limited moderator per package. |
4731.0412 | External radiation standards for all packages. |
4731.0413 | Assumptions as to unknown properties. |
4731.0414 | Preliminary determinations. |
4731.0415 | Routine determinations. |
4731.0416 | Air transport of plutonium. |
4731.0417 | Opening instructions. |
4731.0418 | Reports. |
4731.0419 | Advance notification of shipment of irradiated reactor fuel and nuclear waste. |
4731.0420 | Quality assurance requirements. |
4731.0421 | Quality assurance organization. |
4731.0422 | A1 and a2 values for radionuclides. |
4731.0423 | Determination of a1 and a2. |
4731.0424 | Activity-mass relationships for uranium. |
4731.0455 | Quality assurance for transportation packages. |
4731.0525 | Domestic licensing of special nuclear material. |
4731.0530 | License requirement; special nuclear material. |
4731.0535 | Exemption; certain federal contracts. |
4731.0540 | Exemption; carriers. |
4731.0550 | Types of licenses. |
4731.0555 | General license; calibration or reference sources. |
4731.0560 | General license; owning special nuclear material. |
4731.0565 | Application; filing. |
4731.0570 | Application; contents. |
4731.0575 | Application approval requirements. |
4731.0580 | Application; financial assurance and record keeping for decommissioning. |
4731.0585 | Issuance of licenses. |
4731.0590 | License conditions. |
4731.0595 | License renewal and amendment. |
4731.0597 | Inalienability of licenses. |
4731.0600 | License expiration and termination; decommissioning. |
4731.0605 | Specific license; manufacture or initial transfer of calibration or reference sources. |
4731.0610 | Authorized use of special nuclear material. |
4731.0615 | Transfer of special nuclear material. |
4731.0620 | Reporting requirements. |
4731.0625 | Record transfer requirements. |
4731.0630 | Inspections and tests. |
4731.0700 | Purpose and scope. |
4731.0705 | Inactive tailings sites. |
4731.0710 | License requirement. |
4731.0715 | Exemption; use of source material under certain federal contracts. |
4731.0720 | Exemption; carriers. |
4731.0725 | Exemption; unimportant quantities of source material. |
4731.0730 | Other exemptions. |
4731.0735 | Types of licenses. |
4731.0740 | General license; title to source or radioactive material. |
4731.0745 | General license; small quantities of source material. |
4731.0750 | General license; use of certain industrial products or devices. |
4731.0760 | Specific license; application. |
4731.0765 | Specific license; approval. |
4731.0770 | Specific license; certain industrial products and devices. |
4731.0780 | Financial assurance and record keeping for decommissioning. |
4731.0785 | License conditions. |
4731.0790 | License expiration and termination; decommissioning. |
4731.0795 | License renewal and amendment. |
4731.0810 | Inalienability of licenses. |
4731.0815 | Transfer of radioactive material. |
4731.0820 | Reporting requirements. |
4731.0825 | Records. |
4731.0830 | Inspections and tests. |
4731.0840 | Modification and revocation of licenses. |
4731.1000 | Scope; notices, instructions, reports. |
4731.1010 | Posting worker notices. |
4731.1020 | Worker instructions. |
4731.1030 | Exposure notifications and reports. |
4731.1040 | Inspections; presence of representatives. |
4731.1050 | Inspections; consultation with workers. |
4731.1060 | Inspections; requests by workers. |
4731.1070 | Inspection not warranted; informal review. |
4731.1080 | Variances. |
4731.1090 | Discrimination prohibited. |
4731.2000 | General provisions. |
4731.2010 | Radiation protection programs. |
4731.2020 | Occupational dose limits for adults. |
4731.2030 | Summation of external and internal doses. |
4731.2040 | Determination of external dose; airborne radioactive material. |
4731.2050 | Determination of internal exposure. |
4731.2060 | Planned special exposures. |
4731.2070 | Occupational dose limits for minors. |
4731.2080 | Dose equivalent to embryo/fetus. |
4731.2090 | Radiation dose limits for the public. |
4731.2095 | Compliance; dose limits for the public. |
4731.2100 | Radiological criteria for license termination. |
4731.2150 | Minimization of contamination. |
4731.2200 | Surveys and monitoring. |
4731.2210 | Individual monitoring; external and internal occupational dose. |
4731.2220 | High radiation areas; control of access. |
4731.2230 | Very high radiation areas; control of access. |
4731.2240 | Controlling concentration of radioactive material in air. |
4731.2260 | Use of individual respiratory protection equipment. |
4731.2270 | Respiratory protection equipment restrictions. |
4731.2280 | Use of higher assigned protection factors. |
4731.2290 | Storage and control of licensed material. |
4731.2300 | Caution signs. |
4731.2310 | Posting requirements. |
4731.2320 | Exceptions to posting requirements. |
4731.2330 | Labeling containers. |
4731.2340 | Labeling requirements; exemptions. |
4731.2350 | Procedures for receiving and opening packages. |
4731.2360 | Leak test requirements. |
4731.2400 | Waste disposal. |
4731.2405 | Decay-in-storage. |
4731.2410 | Approval of proposed disposal procedures. |
4731.2420 | Disposal by release into sanitary sewerage. |
4731.2430 | Treatment or disposal by incineration. |
4731.2440 | Disposal of specific wastes. |
4731.2450 | Transfer for disposal; manifests. |
4731.2460 | Disposal of certain byproduct material. |
4731.2500 | Records; radiation protection programs. |
4731.2510 | Records; surveys. |
4731.2520 | Determination of prior occupational dose. |
4731.2530 | Records; planned special exposures. |
4731.2540 | Records; individual monitoring results. |
4731.2550 | Records; dose to individual members of the public. |
4731.2560 | Records; waste disposal. |
4731.2600 | Reports; theft or loss of licensed material. |
4731.2610 | Notification of incidents. |
4731.2620 | Reports; radiation exposures, levels, and concentrations exceeding constraints or limits. |
4731.2630 | Reports; planned special exposures. |
4731.2640 | Reports to individuals; dose limits exceeded. |
4731.2650 | Reports; individual monitoring. |
4731.2700 | Assigned protection factors for respirators. |
4731.2705 | Reports of transactions involving nationally tracked sources. |
4731.2750 | Annual limits on intake and derived air concentrations. |
4731.2800 | Quantities of licensed material requiring labeling. |
4731.2820 | Nationally tracked source threshold. |
4731.2950 | Low-level radioactive waste; transfer and disposal. |
4731.3000 | Applicability; domestic licensing of radioactive material |
4731.3005 | Activities requiring license. |
4731.3010 | Specific exemptions. |
4731.3015 | Exemption; use of radioactive material under certain federal contracts. |
4731.3020 | Exemption; carriers. |
4731.3025 | Exemption; certain concentrations. |
4731.3030 | Exemption; certain items containing radioactive material. |
4731.3040 | Exempt quantities. |
4731.3045 | Exemption; self-luminous products containing tritium, krypton-85, or promethium-147. |
4731.3050 | Exemption; gas and aerosol detectors containing radioactive material. |
4731.3055 | Exemption; radioactive drugs. |
4731.3060 | Types of licenses. |
4731.3065 | Specific licenses; application. |
4731.3070 | Specific licenses; approval. |
4731.3075 | Terms and conditions of licenses. |
4731.3080 | Financial assurance and record keeping for decommissioning. |
4731.3085 | License expiration and termination; decommissioning. |
4731.3090 | Renewal and amendment of licenses. |
4731.3105 | Transfer of radioactive material. |
4731.3110 | Reporting requirements. |
4731.3115 | Records. |
4731.3120 | Inspections and tests. |
4731.3130 | Modification and revocation of licenses. |
4731.3135 | Withholding or recall of radioactive material. |
4731.3140 | Exempt concentrations. |
4731.3145 | Exempt quantities. |
4731.3150 | Radioactive materials; emergency plan quantities. |
4731.3155 | Assuring decommissioning funds; parent company guarantees. |
4731.3160 | Quantities of licensed material requiring labeling for decommissioning. |
4731.3165 | Assuring decommissioning funds; self-guarantees; bond rating. |
4731.3170 | Assuring decommissioning funds; self-guarantee; no outstanding rated bonds. |
4731.3175 | Assuring decommissioning funds; nonprofit entities. |
4731.3200 | General domestic licenses for radioactive material. |
4731.3210 | General license; static elimination and ion-generating devices. |
4731.3215 | General license; detecting, measuring, gauging, controlling, and other devices. |
4731.3220 | General license; installation of generally licensed devices. |
4731.3225 | General license; luminous safety devices for aircraft. |
4731.3230 | General license; americium-241 and radium-226 calibration or reference sources. |
4731.3235 | General license; owning radioactive material. |
4731.3240 | General license; strontium-90 ice detection devices. |
4731.3245 | General license; in vitro clinical or laboratory testing use. |
4731.3250 | General license; certain items and self-luminous products containing radium-226. |
4731.3300 | Specific domestic licenses to manufacture or transfer certain items containing radioactive material. |
4731.3315 | Prohibition of introduction. |
4731.3325 | Organ doses. |
4731.3330 | Specific license; certain devices containing radioactive materials; manufacture or initial transfer. |
4731.3345 | Specific license; luminous safety devices; manufacture, assemble, repair, or initially transfer. |
4731.3365 | Specific license; calibration or reference sources; manufacture or initial transfer. |
4731.3380 | Specific license; ice detection devices; manufacture or initial transfer. |
4731.3390 | Specific license; material for in vitro clinical or laboratory testing; manufacture and distribution. |
4731.3395 | Specific license; radioactive drugs for medical use; manufacture, preparation, or transfer. |
4731.3400 | Specific license; sources or devices for medical use; manufacture and distribution. |
4731.3405 | Prototype tests; luminous safety devices for aircraft. |
4731.3410 | Prototype tests; calibration or reference sources containing americium-241 or radium-226. |
4731.3415 | Prototype tests; ice detection devices containing strontium-90. |
4731.3420 | Acceptance sampling procedures. |
4731.3450 | Serialization of nationally tracked sources. |
4731.3500 | Specific domestic licenses of broad scope for radioactive material. |
4731.3520 | Specific license of broad scope; application. |
4731.3530 | Type A specific license of broad scope. |
4731.3540 | Type B specific license of broad scope. |
4731.3550 | Type C specific license of broad scope. |
4731.3560 | Application for other specific licenses. |
4731.3570 | Specific licenses of broad scope; conditions. |
4731.3580 | Limits for broad scope licenses. |
4731.4000 | Licenses for industrial radiography and radiation safety requirements for industrial radiographic operations. |
4731.4010 | Specific license; application. |
4731.4020 | Specific license; industrial radiography. |
4731.4030 | Performance requirements; industrial radiography equipment. |
4731.4040 | Limits on external radiation levels. |
4731.4050 | Locking of radiographic exposure devices, storage containers, and source changers. |
4731.4060 | Radiation survey instruments. |
4731.4070 | Leak testing, replacement, and other modifications of sealed sources. |
4731.4080 | Quarterly inventory. |
4731.4090 | Equipment inspection and maintenance. |
4731.4100 | Permanent radiographic installations; entrance controls. |
4731.4110 | Labeling; packaging; security. |
4731.4120 | Industrial radiographic operations. |
4731.4130 | Radiation safety officer. |
4731.4140 | Radiographer training. |
4731.4150 | Operating and emergency procedures. |
4731.4160 | Supervision of radiographer's assistants. |
4731.4170 | Personnel monitoring. |
4731.4180 | Radiation surveys. |
4731.4190 | Surveillance. |
4731.4200 | Posting. |
4731.4210 | Records; specific license for industrial radiography. |
4731.4220 | Records; receipt and transfer of sealed sources. |
4731.4240 | Records; leak testing. |
4731.4250 | Records; quarterly inventory. |
4731.4260 | Utilization logs. |
4731.4270 | Records; inspection and maintenance. |
4731.4290 | Records; training and certification. |
4731.4310 | Records; personnel monitoring. |
4731.4330 | Location of documents and records. |
4731.4350 | Notifications. |
4731.4360 | Radiographer certification. |
4731.4400 | Applicability for the use of radioactive materials in the healing arts. |
4731.4401 | Protection of human research subjects. |
4731.4402 | Implementation. |
4731.4403 | Specific license; medical use of radioactive materials. |
4731.4404 | Other medical uses. |
4731.4405 | Radiation protection program. |
4731.4407 | Supervised individuals. |
4731.4408 | Written directives. |
4731.4409 | Procedures for administrations requiring written directive. |
4731.4410 | Suppliers of medical use sealed sources or devices. |
4731.4411 | Radiation safety officer training. |
4731.4412 | Authorized medical physicist training. |
4731.4413 | Authorized nuclear pharmacist training. |
4731.4414 | Training; experienced radiation safety officer, teletherapy or medical physicist, authorized user, and nuclear pharmacist. |
4731.4415 | Recentness of training. |
4731.4420 | Measuring activity of unsealed radioactive material; instruments required. |
4731.4421 | Calibration of survey instruments. |
4731.4422 | Determination of dosages; unsealed radioactive material. |
4731.4423 | Authorization for calibration, transmission, and reference use. |
4731.4424 | Possession of sealed sources and brachytherapy sources; requirements. |
4731.4425 | Labeling vials and syringes. |
4731.4426 | Surveys of ambient radiation exposure rate. |
4731.4427 | Release of individuals containing unsealed radioactive material or implants. |
4731.4428 | Mobile medical service. |
4731.4429 | Decay-in-storage. |
4731.4430 | Control of aerosols and gases. |
4731.4432 | Unsealed radioactive material; uptake, dilution, and excretion studies. |
4731.4433 | Uptake, dilution, and excretion studies; training. |
4731.4434 | Unsealed radioactive material; imaging and localization studies. |
4731.4435 | Permissible molybdenum-99, strontium-82, and strontium-85 concentration. |
4731.4436 | Imaging and localization studies; training. |
4731.4440 | Unsealed radioactive material; written directive required. |
4731.4441 | Safety instructions. |
4731.4442 | Safety precautions. |
4731.4443 | Unsealed radioactive material; written directive required; training. |
4731.4444 | Administration of sodium iodide; quantities less than or equal to 33 millicuries (1.22 GBq); training. |
4731.4445 | Administration of sodium iodide; quantities greater than 33 millicuries (1.22 GBq); training. |
4731.4446 | Parenteral administration of unsealed radioactive material; written directive required; training. |
4731.4450 | Use of brachytherapy sources. |
4731.4451 | Surveys after source implant and removal. |
4731.4452 | Brachytherapy sources accountability. |
4731.4453 | Brachytherapy; safety instructions. |
4731.4454 | Brachytherapy; safety precautions. |
4731.4455 | Brachytherapy; calibration measurements. |
4731.4456 | Decay of strontium-90 sources for ophthalmic treatments. |
4731.4457 | Therapy-related computer systems. |
4731.4458 | Manual brachytherapy training. |
4731.4459 | Ophthalmic use of strontium-90; training. |
4731.4460 | Use of sealed sources for diagnosis. |
4731.4461 | Sealed sources for diagnosis; training. |
4731.4463 | Use of a sealed source; remote afterloader unit, teletherapy unit, or gamma stereotactic radiosurgery unit. |
4731.4464 | Treatment with remote afterloader unit; surveys. |
4731.4465 | Installation, maintenance, adjustment, and repair requirements. |
4731.4466 | Remote afterloader units, teletherapy units, and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units; safety procedures and instructions. |
4731.4467 | Remote afterloader units, teletherapy units, and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units; safety precautions. |
4731.4468 | Dosimetry equipment. |
4731.4469 | Teletherapy units; full calibration. |
4731.4470 | Remote afterloader units; full calibration. |
4731.4471 | Gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units; full calibration. |
4731.4472 | Teletherapy units; periodic spot checks. |
4731.4473 | Remote afterloader units; periodic spot checks. |
4731.4474 | Gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units; periodic spot checks. |
4731.4475 | Mobile remote afterloader units; additional requirements. |
4731.4476 | Radiation surveys. |
4731.4477 | Teletherapy and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units; five-year inspection. |
4731.4478 | Teletherapy and gamma stereotactic computer systems. |
4731.4479 | Remote afterloader units, teletherapy units, and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units; training. |
4731.4500 | Radiation protection program records. |
4731.4501 | Written directive records. |
4731.4502 | Instrument calibration records. |
4731.4503 | Dosage records. |
4731.4504 | Leaks test and inventory records. |
4731.4505 | Survey records; ambient radiation exposure. |
4731.4506 | Release records; individuals containing radioactive material or implants. |
4731.4507 | Mobile medical service records. |
4731.4509 | Molybdenum-99 records, strontium-82, and strontium-85 concentration records. |
4731.4510 | Safety instruction records. |
4731.4511 | Survey records; source implant and removal. |
4731.4512 | Brachytherapy source accountability records. |
4731.4513 | Brachytherapy source calibration records. |
4731.4514 | Strontium-90 decay records. |
4731.4515 | Installation, maintenance, adjustment, and repair records. |
4731.4516 | Safety procedures records. |
4731.4517 | Dosimetry equipment records. |
4731.4518 | Calibration records; teletherapy, remote afterloader, and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units. |
4731.4519 | Spot check records; teletherapy units. |
4731.4520 | Spot check records; remote afterloader units. |
4731.4521 | Spot check records; gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units. |
4731.4522 | Operability records; mobile remote afterloader units. |
4731.4523 | Survey records; therapeutic treatment units. |
4731.4524 | Inspection records; teletherapy and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units. |
4731.4525 | Medical event; report and notification. |
4731.4526 | Dose to an embryo/fetus or child; report and notification. |
4731.4527 | Report of leaking source. |
4731.4600 | Definitions. |
4731.4605 | Minimum standards for nuclear medicine technologists. |
4731.4610 | Exceptions. |
4731.4612 | Training for individuals functioning as a nuclear medicine technologist before January 1, 2011, who are not accredited. |
4731.4615 | Documentation of competency. |
4731.4620 | Requirements for operators of fusion imaging devices. |
4731.6000 | Purpose and scope. |
4731.6010 | Specific license; application. |
4731.6020 | Specific license; approval. |
4731.6030 | Start of construction. |
4731.6040 | Applications for exemptions. |
4731.6050 | Performance criteria; sealed sources. |
4731.6060 | Access control. |
4731.6070 | Shielding. |
4731.6080 | Fire protection. |
4731.6090 | Radiation monitors. |
4731.6100 | Control of source movement; panoramic irradiators. |
4731.6110 | Irradiator pools. |
4731.6120 | Source rack protection. |
4731.6130 | Power failures. |
4731.6140 | Design requirements. |
4731.6150 | Construction monitoring and acceptance testing. |
4731.6160 | Training. |
4731.6170 | Operating and emergency procedures. |
4731.6180 | Personnel monitoring. |
4731.6190 | Radiation surveys. |
4731.6200 | Detection of leaking sources. |
4731.6210 | Inspection and maintenance. |
4731.6220 | Pool water purity. |
4731.6230 | Attendance during operation. |
4731.6240 | Entering and leaving the radiation room. |
4731.6250 | Irradiation of explosive or flammable materials. |
4731.6260 | Records and retention periods. |
4731.6270 | Reports. |
4731.7000 | Licenses and radiation safety requirements for well logging. |
4731.7010 | Application. |
4731.7020 | Specific license; well logging. |
4731.7030 | Agreement with well owner or operator. |
4731.7040 | Request for written statements. |
4731.7050 | Labels, security, and transportation precautions. |
4731.7060 | Radiation detection instruments. |
4731.7070 | Leak testing; sealed sources. |
4731.7080 | Physical inventory. |
4731.7090 | Records of material use. |
4731.7100 | Design and performance criteria for sources. |
4731.7110 | Inspection and maintenance; opening source or source holder. |
4731.7120 | Subsurface tracer studies. |
4731.7130 | Radioactive markers. |
4731.7140 | Uranium sinker bars. |
4731.7150 | Use without a surface casing. |
4731.7160 | Energy compensation source. |
4731.7170 | Tritium neutron generator target source. |
4731.7200 | Training. |
4731.7210 | Operating and emergency procedures. |
4731.7220 | Personnel monitoring. |
4731.7230 | Radiation surveys. |
4731.7240 | Radioactive contamination control. |
4731.7250 | Security. |
4731.7260 | Documents and records; field stations. |
4731.7270 | Documents and records; temporary job sites. |
4731.7280 | Notification of incidents and lost sources; abandonment procedures. |
4731.8000 | Physical protection of category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material. |
4731.8005 | Exemption for waste. |
4731.8010 | Personnel access authorization requirements for category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material. |
4731.8015 | Access authorization program requirements. |
4731.8020 | Background investigations. |
4731.8025 | Requirements for criminal history records checks of individuals granted unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material. |
4731.8030 | Relief from fingerprinting, identification, and criminal history records checks and other elements of background investigations. |
4731.8035 | Protection of information. |
4731.8040 | Access authorization program review. |
4731.8050 | Security program. |
4731.8055 | General security program requirements. |
4731.8060 | Local Law Enforcement Agency (LLEA) coordination. |
4731.8065 | Security zones. |
4731.8070 | Monitoring, detection, and assessment. |
4731.8075 | Maintenance and testing. |
4731.8080 | Requirements for mobile devices. |
4731.8085 | Security program review. |
4731.8090 | Reporting of events. |
4731.8100 | Additional requirements for transfer of category 1 and category 2 quantities or radioactive materials. |
4731.8105 | Applicability of physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive material during transit. |
4731.8110 | Preplanning and coordination of shipment of category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material. |
4731.8115 | Advance notification of shipment of category 1 quantities of radioactive material. |
4731.8120 | Physical protection of category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material during shipment. |
4731.8125 | Reporting of events. |
4731.8130 | Form of records. |
4731.8135 | Records retention. |
4731.8140 | Category 1 and category 2 radioactive materials. |
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Last Updated: 03/02/2023