Water Toolkit
Communication Types
- Everyday Communications
- Well-Known Issue Communications
- Emerging Issue Communications
- Crisis Communications
Communication Tools
Related Sites
Environmental Health Division
Drinking Water Risk Communication Toolkit
Tell Your Story - Connect with People
To tell your story, you must choose strategies that work best for your community, with a timeline that makes sense for the message you are trying to share. Telling your story well means that everyone who needs the information gets the information. Remember that Have a Plan and Make Your Message come before you can tell your story.
Tools for telling your story
Working with media
- Checklist: Working with Media Releases (PDF)
- Checklist: Press Release for Detection of Unregulated Contaminant (PDF)
- Template: Press Release (Word)
List of communication tools
- Before you make your message, consider the people you are trying to reach
- Pick a communication tool that will reach the most people
- When a face-to-face communication tool is considered, think about who the best person is to deliver your message
Best Use: Information that needs to be available on an ongoing basis - Regular communications, information to inform decisions or actions of community
Content: Information about system operations, education and outreach about drinking water quality and quantity, information about budgets, access to services
- Consumer Confidence Report
- City/utility newsletter (monthly, quarterly, or annually; include periodic water features)
- Local newspaper
- Brochures in public spaces (e.g. library, city office)
- Posters
Best Use: As needed for specific issues - Education and outreach efforts; Information to inform decisions or actions of community
Content: Information about issue; Activities to mitigate or manage issue; Timelines and contacts
- Direct mailings and bill stuffers
- Local newspaper
Best Use: When information is needed in timely manner -High level updates; information that needs to reach customers
Content: Priority information for customers; emergency or issue information that requires timely dissemination of information; Requests for participation or action
- Community email list
- Emergency text service
- Call Messaging or Robo Calls
Best Use: Available 24/7; Updated regularly - General information for customers; time sensitive information; Resource information
Content: Program information; frequently asked questions; contaminant information; drinking water general information; time-sensitive information; contact information
Best Use: As needed for issues; update regularly with general information - For quick things, time-sensitive notices, fun things, engagement (questions/comments)
Content: Announcements of regular maintenance activities; emergency information (supplement to other channels); Success stories; General information and education.
- Blog
Best Use: As needed for issues or regularly for education and outreach - On-going communications or issues specific communications
Content: Focused information on specific topics; notification of issues; announcements; success stories
- Local TV (record meetings and play)
- Video
- YouTube
Best Use: For special events (e.g. Drinking Water Week) or on an ongoing basis - Education and outreach to improve knowledge of drinking water program
Content: Basic information about drinking water systems, drinking water quality and quantity
- Tours of system for customers
- Water tours for schools
- Environmental education exhibits and displays
Best Use: Community engagement means that people are involved in decision-making processes. Outreach and education efforts are steps towards community engagement. Use as needed for issues or regularly to provide updates.
Content: Program information; contaminant information; drinking water general information; time-sensitive information; contact information
- Town halls and open houses
- Attend meetings and events (e.g. city council meetings, community events, home shows)
- Presentations in the community (e.g. Rotary, neighborhood meetings)
- Knock on doors (one system has asked Boy Scouts to do this)