COVID-19 Community Coordinators Request for Proposals FAQ - February 2022
Questions are sorted into five different categories:
A. Application/Track Requirements
B. Funding
C. Vaccination Events
D. Comprehensive Health
E. Resources
A. Application/Track Requirements
Question: Does it have disadvantages if two organizations - who serve two different cities that serve two different counties - partner?
Answer: There is no disadvantage. The question is - Is it advantageous for you?
Question: If you have a contract for testing with MDH – you would still be able to apply for this contract?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Do organizations who are applying for both Track 1 and Track 2 have advantages over those who are applying for only one track?
Answer: No.
Question: Do we have to have Workers Compensation Insurance?
Answer: Review the standard State P/T Contract template (PDF) [EXPIRED LINK]. This document sets forth the State’s standard terms, insurance requirements, and procurement laws or requirements which may apply in the event a Response results in a contract with the State.
Question: Question “2” doesn’t have a space to say if we have Latinx in our organization. Where we can respond - if our board and staff is more than 51% Latinx?
Answer: You will check the box that states, “Yes, our organization has at least 51% people of color, American Indians, individuals with disabilities, and/or LGBTQ+ individuals in our board and leadership positions.” Wikipedia states, “The term "people of color" is primarily used to describe any person who is not considered "white".” In this RFP context, people of color include African American, African immigrant, Asian American – Pacific Islander, Latinx, or others you suggest.
Question: Can the grant application be submitted by two organizations who work together on this project? One led and staffed by those most disproportionately affected and the other not?
Answer: Yes, two organizations can work together on the project. In the case of joint proposals, identify one organization as the lead who will enter into the contract with MDH if selected for funding. Priority will be given to entities or collaborations that are led and staffed by communities most disproportionately impacted as previously defined. Be sure to detail the roles of each entity, how you will collaborate in your proposal, and how the funding will be split.
Question: Can institutions on learning apply for this like small colleges?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Is it possible to apply for one category of segment such as Transportation only?
Answer: Yes.
Question: There are many of our community members dealing with children with autism which is causing huge stress – can we include in our proposal ways to help those who are affected?
Answer: If you are saying that those children and family have been affected by the pandemic, you can certainly apply on the vaccination side to effectively vaccinate those children without causing trauma. Or you might be on the comprehensive recovery track. So, the topic is eligible, and you decide which track to be in.
Question: What are the implications if you do not reach the goals in your workplan despite efforts?
Answer: Ideally, your organization should be in continuous discussion with MDH – CCC Lead staff who is supporting your organization. The two of you will review your progress periodically and figure out how to readjust your workplan and/or budget, if needed.
Question: Our agency serves the 7 county Arrowhead region, would we need to define a specific area to focus the grant work on or could we serve the whole region through this funding?
Answer: You can propose service to the larger area if you can demonstrate that you have that reach.
Question: Will data evaluation require the same reporting process as currently in place?
Answer: It’s possible that reporting and evaluation will look different next year while remaining efficient and informative.
Question: Question re: What kind of data will we need to collect?
Answer: Information that confirms you have met the goals originally set forth in your workplan including but not limited to:
- Type of activities engaged in and/or services received by those persons directly affected by Covid-19 who you served
- the number participating and demographics of those same persons
Question: If we are planning to partner with another organization, I see that we should clearly identify the roles of each entity and how we will collaborate. Given the limited space for each answer in the proposal submission form, where should we best do this? Or will we simply indicate this in the workplan and budget by e.g. indicating which organization's staff will be implementing which activities?
Answer: The Submission form allows you to outline your ideas providing some of the information. The Workplan and Budget is where you will provide detail of implementation.
Question: Related to that, for questions such as #3 (sharing power with the community) and #11 (history/experience relative to the proposed work), should we provide answers for both organizations or only the main organization that will be submitting the application?
Answer: In the case of joint proposals, identify one organization as the lead who will enter into the contract with MDH if selected for funding. Priority will be given to entities or collaborations that are led and staffed by communities most disproportionately impacted as previously defined. The organizational structure of the lead agency should provide the information for Questions #3 and #11.
B. Funding
Question: Is $500k also the max amount for organizations applying for both tracks?
Answer: Yes, $500K is the total maximum for this 2 year funding, regardless of whether you apply for one track or both tracks.
Question: Can you explain a little bit about the $500,000 limit for funding?
Answer: The $500,000 is the maximum amount that can be requested for 2 years. You are free to request less.
Question: Are track 1 & 2 50% and 50%?
Answer: No.
Question: Is there a required match?
Answer: No.
Question: Can this funding be used for incentives for those vaccinated?
Answer: No.
Question: Since $5M is a drop in the ocean for such a diverse community with lots of needs and dealing with COVID-19 effects, which office can we discuss this with as ccc organizations? We are not just contractors, we are advocates for our communities and it will make sense to have such a conversation with the offices making these decisions so they understand the needs of the community and hear it from the representatives of the community.
Answer: We understand $5M is not enough funding for all the different communities we serve. Please contact your elected official to advocate for additional funds.
Question: What is the rationale behind allocating points for the budget?
Answer: The budget offers a view of how well the requested dollars will be spent for the proposed activities and goals. Just as with other parts of the application, points help assess those factors to assess if the budget is cost-effective and realistic.
Question: Will a proposal with smaller budget be scored more than one with a higher funding request?
Answer: No. All proposals will be reviewed and scored on the same point scale.
Question: Is it possible to apply for one category of segment such as Transportation only?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Are there restrictions for doing voter engagement type of activities with these funds?
Answer: CCC contractors are not allowed to use this funding to conduct voter engagement activities.
Question: In our community, there are already a couple of organizations that have received funding through this program and so are considered CCC’s. These include AICHO, Lighthouse Center for Vital Living and Community Access North. So, if our organization decided to apply for this funding, would we be competing for funding with these organizations? Our main concern is that we would be disrupting current work by taking funding away from these organizations.
Answer: This is an open and competitive process for any organization that applies. All submissions go through the same review process. Current contracts end June 30, 2022. The contracts related to this RFP begin on July 1, 2022.
Question: Is there a preferred percentage of funding that should be split between Track 1 (Vaccine Events) and Track 2 (Comprehensive Health Recovery)?
Answer: No.
Question: Our group is set to offer Healing Circles & Vaccination clinics but we don't have $50 stipends to offer to those who come. Is the current RSP providing a chance for us to offer $50 incentives for adults and up to $200 for young children (like the other groups who have received grants from you as advertised in the list below)? We can't be effective in our community if people from the same neighborhoods are eligible to get money in one place and we have nothing to offer except snacks! That's setting us up for failure!
Answer: These funds may not be used for incentives. This information is found on the list of Unallowable Expenses in the Project Budget Guide. We do not have any information about the possibility of funding for vaccination incentives in the future. Please contact your elected official to advocate for additional funds.
C. Vaccination Events
Question: Can we focus on Track 1 and engage in providing focused resources from track 2- even if it is not a comprehensive health recovery plan?
Answer: No. While staff must be knowledgeable about health, the issues related to vaccinations and what the issues are - our goal for Track 1 is that your expertise is focused on enhancing the vaccination rates in Minnesota. So, your ability to pierce the hesitancy that may be in your community of focus is the key. You might want to consider a partnership with others who are doing elements of the Comprehensive Health Recovery.
Question: Are the CCC’s responsible for finding vaccine providers or is MDH going to assist with providing vaccine providers?
Answer: The MDH - CCC Lead staff have connections with medical providers, and will assist your organization to identify a medical team that best matches your needs.
Question: What is a reasonable planning phase to find vaccine providers and start the vaccination events?
Answer: It takes at least two weeks to secure a medical provider. For agencies that have not hosted before - give yourself plenty of time to plan and make sure that your staff are properly trained – how to do community outreach, registration, and keep themselves safe with PPE while out in the community. We hope CCCs will put in place proper time to build outreach and engage other partners to assist with recruitment. There are many possible reasons that no one may show up-weather, dangerous road conditions, etc... these are beyond the control of our CCCs. So, give yourself 3 - 4 weeks to plan.
Question:How is Track 1 different from the current vaccine program that we are already doing?
Answer: The new track is very similar to the current but there may be requests to go to new geographic areas which have pockets of community that have lower vaccination rates. So, locations might be different from today, as well as a different messaging. A part of this new contract is community engagement, so as the vaccines change, how will community engagement change and how would the CCC activities change to be more creative.
Question: As part of Track 1, can we choose not to host vaccine events but do vaccine education, engagement and outreach, and other things allowed in track 1?
Answer: No, vaccination events are a core activity.
Question: Can you apply with a medical partner already identified or do you prefer that we use a medical partner that you identify?
Answer: If a CCC already has a medical partner identified, you can work with them. We just need to make sure their work is consistent with what we need such as entering patient data into MIIC and reporting numbers vaccinated to our team.
Question: For track 1 - Working with state and local providers/agencies/organizations, would our organization have to find providers/agencies/organizations to work with us to get people vaccinated by ourselves or will the MDH provide any support in this aspect?
Answer: The MDH - CCC Lead staff have connections with medical providers and will assist your organization to identify a medical team that best matches your needs.
D. Comprehensive Health
Question: Is there a minimum number of people reached that is required for track 2? What are the implications if you do not reach the goal despite efforts?
Answer: There is no minimum number of people. You propose what you believe makes sense. Of course, the funding that you request will be assessed based on whether it appears your program is efficient and effective in reaching the appropriate number of people.
Question: If choosing track 2, will CCCs be able to focus predominantly on a specific issue such as food under the umbrella of social vulnerabilities?
Answer: Yes. However, you cannot purchase food for community members. Be sure to carefully review the Budget Guide for allowable/unallowable items.
Question: Question re: Track 2. Covid-19 has affected us all. Can we do outreach to anyone to help them recover from Covid-19?
Answer: First, a reminder that the emphasis is to serve the focused communities that have been defined in the RFP. Recovery from Covid-19 means that the individuals you serve within your proposed program were directly impacted by the pandemic. For example, if you propose an Employment Program you might serve those persons whose job was lost or affected during the pandemic; If you propose a Housing Program you might serve persons who lost their housing during the pandemic; etc. A strong proposal links the individual circumstances with the incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
E. Resources
Question: I am looking online for a PDF or Word document that contains the specific questions for the RFP. Is that available?
Answer: Templates can be found on the RFP webpage
Question: Will we be receiving this powerpoint and recording?
Answer: Yes, they will be posted to the RFP webpage.
Question: When will this recording be available to the audience?
Answer: We will try to post the recording as soon as possible.
Question: Will CCCs continue to have access to MDH subcontractors for media, medical providers for vaccine services, testing services, etc?
Answer: Testing is not a part of this RFP. Yes, CCCs will continue to have access to community engagement and diverse media contractors.
Question: If selected do we have the hotline resources as we have it now?
Answer: If you are interested in the hotline resource it would be a part of your budget proposal. Depending on how many organizations are looking at a hotline would determine whether we go with our current vendor, or it would be a part of your organization’s in-house system.
Question: Were Monday’s and yesterday’s webinars recorded? If yes, how can I watch them?
Answer: Yes, they are recorded and will be posted to the RFP webpage.