Healthy Eating and Active Living Request for Proposal
The Minnesota Department of Health requests proposals to provide legal technical assistance (Legal TA) support to the Minnesota Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Program grantees and partners.
The purpose of this request is to provide funding to one organization as a policy, systems, and environment (PSE) legal TA grantee. The grantee will provide tailored policy and legal research, opinion, and reference documents in coordination with MDH staff and SHIP grantees. They will also provide one-on-one TA to SHIP grantees to support community-driven solutions for healthy eating and active living PSE changes in the SHIP priority settings (communities, schools, workplaces, early child care settings and health care).
Key dates
Monday, Dec. 16, 2024: RFP posted
Friday, Jan. 3, 2025 at 4:30 p.m.: Last day to submit questions
Friday, Jan. 17, 2025: Proposals due
Early February 2025: Anticipated awardee selection
Monday, March 1, 2025: Anticipated grant start date
June 30, 2026: Grant end date
Submit your proposal
Proposals must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Friday Jan. 17, 2025. Late responses will not be considered. Applications must be submitted by email to
Documents and Forms
- Attachment A: Score Sheet (PDF)
- Attachment B: Budget Form (Excel Document)
- Attachment C: Applicant Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (PDF)
- Attachment D: Due Diligence Form (PDF)
- Attachment E: Grant Agreement (PDF)
Questions and Answers
All questions regarding this RFP must be submitted via email to by Jan. 3, 2025.
Questions and answers will be posted by Jan. 10, 2025 and can be viewed on this page.
Work Plan
Q: Tribal SHIP was not mentioned in the RFP. We are wondering if legal technical assistance for Tribal SHIP could be included in our work plan.
A: MDH is seeking proposals to provide legal technical assistance to local community health board SHIP partners working on healthy eating and active living currently. If the applicant has experience working with Tribal SHIP partners and would like to address that in their application, they may do so.
Budget and Budget Form
Q: Does MDH expect a budget written for one 16-month time period? If not, what budget periods should be used?
A: Please provide a proposed budget for the timeframe of March 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026.
Q: Related to the above questions, the budget form asks for salary and fringe through January 31, 2026. Since the first project period is March 1, 2025-June 30, 2026, we are wondering if salary and fringe should be provided through June 30, 2026, rather than January 31, 2026. Essentially, this is the same question as the one above regarding what budget period(s) to use.
A: We apologize for this error on the budget form (attachment B). Please provide a proposed budget for the timeframe of March 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026.
Q: The RFP states that the “applicant must provide a budget spreadsheet with proposed project activities, deliverables, personnel titles, hours, and hour rates (p. 7).” On the budget form, we see clearly where personnel titles and hours should be listed. However, we are uncertain about hour rates. Does this refer to the salary charged to the grant, or is there some way that we should indicate the hourly rate equivalent for each staff person (such as in the description)?
A: Please include the hourly rate on the Budget Form (Attachment B), along with the position title. For example: Staff Title ($23.57 / hour). Then include the hours as either total hours for the project (300 hours) or FTE format (0.25 FTE) in the “hours” column.