Equity and empowerment lens [updated]
Multnomah County, OR
Equity and empowerment lens [updated] is the updated version of an assessment tool that helps you consider equity-related impacts of an issue, program, or policy decision, and contains new tools to support action steps for advancing equity.
This is an updated version of Multnomah County’s equity and empowerment lens, which was first developed in 2012 (see: Equity and empowerment lens - first version) to help agencies assess the equity-related impacts of specific issues or program and policy decisions. It also includes new materials that support its use.
You will find:
- An introductory letter that summarizes the lens approach and provides an overview of the new materials
- A document that explains how the new materials were developed and the foundational assumptions behind them
- A logic model that identifies conditions and activities that are needed for achieving racial equity and suggestions for measuring outcomes
- A one page graphic depicting how the authors see quality improvement reflected in the lens
- A two-page worksheet with the revised lens questions for assessing the equity-related impacts of an issue or decision
- Teaching tools related to the lens approach
When to Use
As with the 2012 guide to the equity and empowerment lens, these materials can be used in many ways. For example:
- The introductory letter can help organizations new to this work learn from Multnomah’s experience.
- The foundational assumptions section should be a must-read document to understand the key concepts in developing the Lens and the Logic Model, and could provide material for staff discussion and dialogue.
- The logic model can be helpful to identify what actions can be taken to address root causes of inequities. Once an organization starts their equity journey, this document provides measurable output and outcome examples that can be used to assess progress, communicate with stakeholders, or to identify areas of improvement. It could also be used to spark brainstorming discussions for other activities an organization might want to pursue.
- The 5 P’s worksheet can be used to identify how an organization is building and sharing power with those who are most impacted by disparities. (Note: Use this worksheet to assess a program or policy for equity implications.)
Things to consider
Multnomah hosted a one-hour webinar that provides an overview of the lens and highlights how the Lens has been used in the county: Equity and empowerment lens: A tool to create equitable policies and programs.
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Equity and empowerment lens [updated]
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- By practice: show organizational commitment
- By type: guides/toolkits, assessments, case studies
- By goal: assess a program/policy