Records Retention Webinar Series
These webinars are part of a series for local public health staff to become familiar with the basics of records management, retention schedules, proper destruction of records, and essential record planning and protection.
1. Records and information management in Minnesota (25:10)
Presentation slides: Records and information management in Minnesota (PDF)
2. Records retention schedules (27:31)
Presentation slides: Records retention schedules (PDF)
3. Preserving and disposing of government records (14:43)
Presentation slides: Preserving and disposing of government records (PDF)
4. Managing essential records during an emergency (17:35)
Presentation slides: Managing essential records during an emergency (PDF)
- CHS Administration Handbook: Government records and retention
- LPHA resources (scroll down to "records retention")
Questions: Contact the Center for Public Health Practice
Published: December 2022