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Youth Suicide Prevention Learning Collaborative Grant
Questions and answers regarding the Youth Suicide Prevention Learning Collaborative Grant.
Question: Is a non Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) county eligible to apply?
Answer: Yes, a non Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) county is eligible to apply for this RFP.
Question: Was the May 6 webinar recorded?
Answer: The May 6 webinar was not recorded as noted within the RFP. Everything that was covered during the May 6 webinar was taken directly from the RFP. Youth Suicide Prevention Learning Collaborative Grant Request for Proposals
Question: If an organization is already receiving funding from MDH, are they eligible to apply for this funding?
Answer: Page 5 of the RFP states: “Grantees that are currently funded by MDH to implement comprehensive suicide prevention, substance misuse and suicide prevention coalition grants, or regional suicide prevention are ineligible to apply.”
Question: Can a for-profit organization apply for the grant?
Answer: Applicants must have state or federal recognition as a formal organization or entity, such as a Federal Identification Number. Organizations or groups that do not have state or federal recognition must apply with a fiscal agent. Applicants could include but are not limited to local public health and social services agencies, nonprofit organizations, units of government, schools and/or school districts, health care or behavioral health organizations, faith communities, Tribal governments, or Tribal organizations. MDH recognizes the sovereignty of Tribal nations and will only fund non-Tribal projects led in Tribal communities if the applicant has full support of the Tribal government. Applicants within the Minnesota GLS grant prioritized counties will be given priority. Priority areas were selected that had greater than 20 youth suicides between 2011-2020 and includes: Beltrami, Sherburne, St. Louis, Anoka, Scott, Dakota, Stearns, Washington, Wright, Olmsted, Hennepin, and Ramsey counties, and Minnesota Tribal nations and communities. Applicants must be located and conduct grant activities within the State of Minnesota.
Question: What is the actual award amount for the Youth Suicide Prevention Learning Collaborative Grant?
Answer: MDH is seeking proposals for the grant period September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2026. The department will award up to $60,000.00 for each year of the grant period, with up to six applicants awarded a maximum of $10,000 each.