SagePlus Heart Health Screening
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Introduction to heart health
Your heart is your body’s most important muscle, keeping you healthy and active – so long as you do your part to keep it healthy. Learn about what causes heart disease and how the SagePlus program can help you stay healthy.
Intro to Heart Health
Introducción a la Salud del Corazón
Cancer and heart health
Cancer and heart disease have a lot in common. You can protect yourself from both. The SagePlus program provides support to help you make healthy lifestyle changes to improve your heart health.
Cancer and Heart Health
El Cancer y la Salud Cardiaca
Hypertension and heart health
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is one of the major causes of heart disease. Minnesota’s SagePlus program was created to help you reduce your heart disease risk so you can stay healthy – and keeping an eye on your blood pressure is an important part of the story.
Hypertension and Heart Health
Hipertensión y la Salud Cardiaca
Diabetes and heart health
Type 2 diabetes is a disease that develops slowly but over time it can contribute to other chronic conditions or lead to complications like chronic kidney disease, loss of vision or nerve damage. Learn about how to prevent and manage diabetes and how Minnesota’s SagePlus program can help.
Diabetes and Heart Health
Diabetes y Salud Cardiaca
Print resources
- SagePlus: Minnesota’s WISEWOMAN Program (PDF)
- MDH Heart Health Materials cover the most common risk factors that can lead to heart attack and stroke and how to change them. Materials are available in Spanish and Hmong.