Diabetes Prevention Resources for Employers
Educating employees about prediabetes
Prediabetes is rapidly rising. In fact, one in three American adults now has prediabetes and 90 percent of them don’t know it. Within five years, one in three of this group will develop type 2 diabetes if they do not take action today.
The good news is that prediabetes is reversible. Losing just 5 to 7 percent of body weight cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50 percent and reduces risk for other chronic conditions.
While clinical providers and health professionals play an important role in identifying patients at risk and referring them to proven lifestyle change programs, employers can also help raise awareness and refer employees to National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) providers. Minnesota’s large health insurance providers offer access to the DPP to self-insured and some fully insured employers.
Employers should contact their health insurance broker or health plan representative to see if the DPP can be offered to their employees.
With the insulin crisis growing and type 2 diabetes threatening to become the largest epidemic in human history, it has never been more important to take action on preventing it when possible.