International Travel & Infectious Disease
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After Travel: Guidance for Health Professionals
International Travel & Infectious Disease
Certain travel associated conditions can be life-threatening and constitute a medical emergency/urgency and others can represent a health threat to hospital staff and the public. Travel history is always an important consideration in evaluating ill patients. Patients may not volunteer a history of international travel for various reasons; therefore, it is essential that health staff ask about travel with all ill patients, particularly those with a fever. Initial screening questions should be systematically instituted and are encouraged during patient check-in in case there are communicable disease concerns.
Screening information
- Have you traveled internationally within the past 3 weeks (21 days)?
- If yes, have you experienced symptoms such as fever, rash, bleeding, cough, diarrhea, or other typical infectious disease symptoms?
Triage and next steps
Patients who answer “yes” to both questions should be placed in a private room until they can be evaluated by a health professional. Follow infection prevention precautions based on their symptoms and per usual protocols.
In addition to the clinical history of disease onset, symptoms, signs, severity of disease (vital signs, respiratory status), infectious disease specialists will need a:
- Detailed travel itinerary (including where within countries the patient has visited, dates)
- Underlying illnesses
- If the patient received pre-travel advice, vaccines, or medications (including antimalarials)
- If the patient is taking/took any of their travel medications (e.g., antimalarials, antidiarrheals)
- Known insect bites (e.g., mosquitoes, ticks), animal bites, or close contact
- Intake of risky food items (salad/lettuce/raw vegetables, drinking of tap water, unpasteurized dairy products, raw foods (e.g., raw meats, seafood)
- Contact with persons with known infectious diseases (e.g., TB, measles) or ill individuals
Disease-specific resources
Health care provider information on cholera
Information on disease reporting, clinical features and treatment.
Health care: COVID-19
Guidance for reporting, evaluating and testing, and infection prevention and control specific to long-term care and health care facilities and systems.
Hepatitis A information for health care professionals
Information on clinical features, testing, reporting and post-exposure prophylaxis.
Information for health care professionals about mosquitoborne diseases
Information on guidelines, statistics, and disease reporting.
Malaria information for health professionals
Information on the latest malaria treatment and contact information for clinical consultation and support from MDH staff.
Measles information for health professionals
Guidance on lab testing, clinical features, reporting and vaccination.
Meningococcal information for health care professionals
Guidance on reporting and vaccination.
Rabies information for health professionals
Information on transmission, testing, and management.