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Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division
MED-X Case Definition
A case is any potential infectious death in a person that falls under Medical Examiner (ME) jurisdiction.
To determine if it is a potentially infectious death, use these checklists as a guide:
To determine if it is a potentially infectious death, use this checklist as a guide.
Download PDF version formatted for print:
Checklist of Antemortem and Postmortem Signs and Symptoms (PDF)
- Fever
- Acute encephalopathy or new onset seizures
- Acute flaccid paralysis or polyneuropathy
- New-onset jaundice
- Acute diarrhea
- New rash or soft tissue lesion
- Unexplained death
- Death of an individual <50 years of age where:
- the past medical history, circumstances, and scene investigation provide inadequate diagnostic insight to establish the cause of death, and
- investigators have been unable to identify one of the signs/symptoms listed above in the absence of a specific etiology.
- This category includes infants with a SIDS-like presentation.
- Death of an individual <50 years of age where:
To determine if it is a potentially infectious death, use this checklist as a guide.
Download PDF version formatted for print:
Checklist of Pathologic Syndromes (PDF)
- Neurologic
- Encephalitis
- Meningitis (including hemorrhagic)
- Respiratory
- Pharyngitis, epiglottitis or other upper airway infection
- Bronchitis or bronchiolitis, acute
- Pneumonia
- Diffuse alveolar damage
- Mediastinitis, hemorrhagic
- Cardiac
- Myocarditis
- Endocarditis
- Gastrointestinal
- Acute hepatitis or fulminant hepatic necrosis
- Colitis
- Dermatologic
- Diffuse rash
- Soft tissue lesion
- Multi-system
- Lymphadenitis
- Sepsis syndrome
- None of the above pathologic syndromes
- Death with antemordem signs, symptoms or pathologic syndrome consistent with a possible infectious disease etiology.
- Explained or unexplained.
- Explained or unexplained.
- Unexplained death in those <50 years of age (i.e. SIDS).
- No infectious hallmark necessary.
- Includes those with or without an autopsy.
Last Updated: 11/09/2022