Minnesota e-Health Initiative Advisory Committee
Established in 2004, under Minnesota Statute, the Minnesota e-Health Advisory Committee is responsible for developing recommendations and advising the Commissioner of Health on policies and processes to advance the use of health information technology, data use, data exchange, and related technologies.
Members represent perspectives from across Minnesota’s health care landscape, including providers, hospitals, health insurers and health plans, long-term care, public health, academic and research institutions, vendors, consumers, state agencies, and others.
The committee works to achieve the Minnesota e-Health Vision, where all communities and individuals benefit from and are empowered by information and technology that advances health equity and supports health and wellbeing. Past work has shaped legislation and enabled collaboration toward common goals. Members bring their expertise and lived experiences to support this effort. More information can be found on the Minnesota e-Health Initiative webpage and in the most recent Minnesota e-Health Initiative: 2019 Report to the Legislature (PDF).
- Bryan Jarabek, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Informatics Officer, M Health Fairview
Representing: Large Hospitals - Lindsey Sand, LHSE, NHA, Vice President of Population Health, Vivie
Representing: Health Care Administrators
- Najma Abdullahi, Executive Board of Directors-Member, UMN Community-University Health Care Center
Representing: Consumer Members - Stacie Christensen, Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel
Representing: Department of Administration - Brittney Dahlin, MS, RHIA, CPHQ, Chief Operating Officer, Director of Quality Improvement, Minnesota Association of Community Health Centers
Representing: Community Clinics/Fed Qual. Health Centers - Greg Hanley, MBA, FACHE, CPHQ, Vice President, Health Services Quality and Operations, UCare
Representing: Health Plans - Kim Heckmann, MSN, FNP-C, SCRN, PHN, Primary Care NP Residency Program Director and APRN Educator, VA Medical Center
Representing: Nurses - Matt Hoenck, Director of IT & Analytics, South Country Health Alliance
Representing: Health Plans - Nila Hines, Chief Data and Analytics Officer
Representing: Minnesota Department of Health - Steve Johnson, PhD, Associate Director, CTSI Health Informatics Program, University of Minnesota
Representing: HIT Training and Education - Mark Jurkovich, DDS, MBA, MHI, Director of Data Infrastructure, Health Care Systems Research Network
Representing: Dentistry - George Klauser, Executive Director – Community Services-ACO/Healthcare Consultant, Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota
Representing: Social Services - Lisa Klotzbach, MA, BA, PHN, Public Health Supervisor – Informatics, Dakota County Public Health
Representing: Local Public Health - Sarah Manney, DO, FAAP, Chief Medical Information Officer, Essentia Health
Representing: Physicians - Genevieve Melton-Meaux, MD, PhD, Senior Associate Dean, Health Informatics and Data Science, University of Minnesota
Representing: Academics and Clinical Research - Lisa Moon, PhD, RN, LHIT, LNC, CEO, Principal Consultant, Advocate Consulting, LLC
Representing: Experts in Health IT - Jane Pederson, MD, MS, Chief Medical Quality Officer, Stratis Health
Representing: Experts in Quality Improvement - Charles Peterson, Chief Executive Officer, The Koble Group
Representing: Health IT Vendors - Peter Schuna, Chief Executive Officer, Pathway Health Services
Representing: Long Term and Post-Acute Care - Ashley Setala, Director of Regulation & Policy Strategy
Representing: Department of Commerce - Mathew Spaan, Manager, Care Delivery and Payment Reform
Representing: Department of Human Services - Tarek Tomes, Commissioner
Representing: MNIT - Laura Unverzagt, MBA, Vice Chair-Information Technology, Mayo Clinic
Representing: Health System CIOs - Mary Winter, Senior EDI Analyst, PrimeWest Health
Representing: Health Care Purchasers and Employers
Designated Alternates
- Alexandra De Kesel Lofthus, Associate Director, State Strategy, Unite Us
Representing: Consumer Members - Alicia Jackson, MS, CPPM, Healthcare Analyst Principal, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
Representing: Health Plans - Roxanee Pierre, MD, MHA, Medical Director/ Administrator, Eden Pathways Homecare Agency
Representing: Physicians - Adam Stone, Vice President Services Delivery, Chief Privacy Officer, Secure Digital Solutions, Inc.
Representing: Experts in Health IT - Tamara Winden, PhD, MBA, FHIMSS, FAMIA, Founder Principal Consultant, Winden Consulting, LLC
Representing: Academics and Clinical Research
2030 Planning Project
In 2017 and 2018 the Advisory Committee developed recommendations to assure a more agile Initiative that can better lead, influence, anticipate, and respond to future challenges, opportunities, and uncertainties that are significant to e-health. The recommendations, process, and artifacts are summarized in the Minnesota e-Health 2030 Planning Project: Recommendations for Improvement Report (PDF).
Wednesday, April 2
This is a virtual meeting: Join the meeting
Meeting agenda TBD.
Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public. There is also an in-person option, as required by open meeting law. If you are interested in attending in person, please RSVP with your full name at mn.ehealth@state.mn.us by 5pm on April 1.
Minnesota Department of Health
Orville L. Freeman Building
625 Robert St N
St. Paul, MN 55155
Wednesday, May 21
** Meeting information will be added when available **