Minnesota e-Health Updates
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The e-Health updates are intended to provide health related professionals with a Minnesota perspective on the e-health related news and highlight some current events.
Minnesota News
Happening this Wednesday!
A Minnesota e-Health Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 29, from 12 – 2:00 p.m. Please follow the Minnesota e-Health Initiative Meetings and Events webpage for updates and the virtual meeting link. Meetings are open to the public.
The objectives for this meeting include:
- Review and discuss the advisory committee charge
- Learn about Statewide Provider Directory Feasibility Study
- Understand key national and federal initiatives
The 25-member advisory committee is responsible for developing recommendations and advising the Commissioner of Health on policies and processes to advance the use of health information technology, data use, data exchange and related technologies. The Minnesota e-Health Initiative is a public-private collaborative that was authorized by the Minnesota Legislature in 2004. The scope of the Initiative includes providers, public health, consumers, and policy/research and the intersections of these domains across the state. Information on committee membership and its previous work is available at Minnesota e-Health Initiative Advisory Committee.
National News
Updated Standards Draft for United States Core Data for Interoperability
The Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP) issued an updated Standards Bulletin 2025-1 (SB25-1). This update describes the development of the Draft United States Core Data for Interoperability Version 6 (Draft USCDI v6). The USCDI is a standardized set of health data classes and constituent data elements for nationwide, interoperable health information exchange. USCDI updates help drive interoperability by keeping pace with clinical, technology, and policy changes.
A fact sheet is available: Cures Act Final Rule - United States Core for Interoperability
Did You Know?
Submit proposals to present at Learning Days
Be a part of Health Care Homes Learning Days event and submit a proposal to present. Submissions are due by Feb. 3. Link to submission form.
Learning Days brings together more than 200 health care providers, public health professionals and community partners to exchange information, advance health equity and build relationships. It is scheduled for May 14 at the Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center. Additional details about this event are available on the Health Care Homes Learning Collaborative Learning Days Event webpage.
Please contact Catherine Johnson, catherine.johnson@state.mn.us, 651-201-3745 with questions.
Minnesota News
Minnesota e-Health Initiative Advisory Committee Meeting
A Minnesota e-Health Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 29, from 12 – 2:00 p.m. Please follow the Minnesota e-Health Initiative Meetings and Events webpage for updates and the virtual meeting link. Meetings are open to the public.
The 25-member advisory committee is responsible for developing recommendations and advising the Commissioner of Health on policies and processes to advance the use of health information technology, data use, data exchange and related technologies. The Minnesota e-Health Initiative is a public-private collaborative that was authorized by the Minnesota Legislature in 2004. The scope of the Initiative includes providers, public health, consumers, and policy/research and the intersections of these domains across the state. Information on committee membership and its previous work is available at Minnesota e-Health Initiative Advisory Committee.
Final Days to Submit to Present at Learning Days
Be a part of Health Care Homes Learning Days event and submit a proposal to present. Submissions are due by Feb. 3. Link to submission form.
Learning Days brings together more than 200 health care providers, public health professionals and community partners to exchange information, advance health equity and build relationships. It is scheduled for May 14 at the Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center. Additional details about this event are available on the Health Care Homes Learning Collaborative Learning Days Event webpage.
Please contact Catherine Johnson, catherine.johnson@state.mn.us, 651-201-3745 with questions.
National News
HIPAA Security Rule Notice of Proposed Rule Making
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) are soliciting comments on a proposal to modify the Security Standards for the Protection of Electronic Protected Health Information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The proposal seeks to strengthen healthcare cybersecurity and address concerns over the number of breaches reported to OCR. Additionally, the proposed modifications aim to address significant changes in technology, breach trends, enforcement, best practices and methodologies for protecting ePHI and take into account court decisions that affect Security Rule enforcement. Comments due by March 7. View full request on the Federal Register.
A fact sheet is available: HIPAA Security Rule Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Strengthen Cybersecurity for Electronic Protected Health Information | HHS.gov
Did You Know?
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that Minnesota has been selected to participate in new Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model. TMaH is designed to focus exclusively on improving maternal health care for people enrolled in Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The model will support participating state Medicaid agencies in the development of a whole-person approach to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care that addresses the physical, mental health, and social needs experienced during pregnancy. Initiatives will focus on three main pillars: Access to care, infrastructure, and workforce capacity; quality improvement and safety; and Whole-person care delivery.
A fact sheet is available: Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH): Model Overview Factsheet (PDF)
Minnesota News
The Center for Health Information Policy and Transformation wishes you a healthy, peaceful holiday season and 2025 filled with joy and abundance.
Opportunity to Submit Proposals for Two 2025 Minnesota Events
Minnesota Rural Health Conference
The Minnesota Department of Health, Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, the Minnesota Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Resource Center invite proposals for presentations to be delivered at the 2025 Minnesota Rural Health Conference, June 9-10, at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. The deadline to submit a proposal is January 13 Additional details and the submission process can be found on the Call for Proposals webpage.
The Minnesota Rural Health Conference annually seeks to support, connect and inspire rural health professionals and leaders from across the state as they work toward the goal of building healthy communities. The two-day conference is celebrating its 25th year as one of the nation’s largest state rural health conferences and Minnesota’s premier event for rural health professionals.
Please contact ruralhealthconference@ruralcenter.org or call 218-464-6121 if you have any questions about the conference.
Health Care Homes Learning Collaborative Learning Days Event
Planning for the annual Health Care Homes Learning Days event is underway. Be a part of the conference and submit a proposal to present. Submissions are due by February 3. Link to submission form.
Learning Days brings together more than 200 health care providers, public health professionals and community partners to exchange information, advance health equity and build relationships. It is scheduled for May 14 at the Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center. Additional details about this event are available on the Health Care Homes Learning Collaborative Learning Days Event webpage.
Please contact Catherine Johnson, catherine.johnson@state.mn.us, 651-201-3745 with questions.
National News
Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP) Releases Two Final Rules
Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (HTI-2) Final Rule
HTI-2 final rule finalizes certain Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement™ (TEFCA™) related proposals from the HTI-2 proposed rule to advance interoperability and support the access, exchange, and use of electronic health information. The HTI-2 final rule amends the information blocking regulations by including definitions related to the TEFCA Manner Exception. It also implements provisions to support the reliability, privacy, security, and trust within TEFCA. View the Final Rule on the Federal Register.
The HTI-2 Final Rule finalizes a new part of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for provisions related to TEFCA in 45 CFR Part 172. These final provisions further implement the Public Health Service Act section 3001(c)(9) as added by the Cures Act and provide greater transparency of TEFCA processes.
The HTI-2 Final Rule makes no changes to the TEFCA Manner Exception (§ 171.403) and adopts the TEFCA-related definitions as proposed.
A fact sheet is available at HTI-2 Final Rule: TEFCA (PDF).
Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Protecting Care Access (HTI-3) Final Rule
ASTP’s HTI-3 final rule reflects ASTP’s focused efforts to improve information sharing while protecting patient privacy. The final rule finalizes information blocking regulatory enhancements that were proposed in the HTI-2 Patient Engagement, Information Sharing, and Public Health Interoperability proposed rule. View the Final Rule on the Federal Register.
In the HTI-3 final rule, it finalized the addition of a definition of “reproductive health care” to the defined terms for purposes of the information blocking regulations, which appears in 45 CFR 171.102.
Finalized revisions to two previously established information blocking expectations: the Privacy Exception, § 171.202, and Infeasibility Exception, § 171.204. Finalized the new Protecting Care Access Exception, § 171.206.
A fact sheet is available at HTI-3 Final Rule: Protecting Care Access (PDF).
Did You Know?
Pew report released “State Public Health Data Reporting Policies and Practices Vary Widely (PDF).” The report summarizes a nationwide analysis and outlines opportunities to improve data for disease detection and prevention.
Minnesota News
Minnesota e-Health Initiative Advisory Committee Reconvenes
After taking a break during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Minnesota e-Health Advisory Committee is back with newly appointed committee members. The first meeting is scheduled for Friday. Nov. 22, from 1 – 3:00 p.m. The virtual meeting is open to the public. The meeting link is available at Minnesota e-Health Initiative Meetings and Events webpage.
Information on committee membership and its previous work is available at Minnesota e-Health Initiative Advisory Committee webpage.
Historically, the 25-member advisory committee is responsible for developing recommendations and advising the Commissioner of Health on policies and processes to advance the use of health information technology, data use, data exchange and related technologies. The Minnesota e-Health Initiative is a public-private collaborative that was authorized by the Minnesota Legislature in 2004. The scope of the Initiative includes providers, public health, consumers, and policy/research and the intersections of these domains across the state.
National News
2024 Draft Federal FHIR Action Plan Feedback Request
The Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP) is seeking feedback on the recently published 2024 Draft Federal Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources® (FHIR®) Action Plan. The plan was developed to help guide federal agency investment decisions in and adoption of the Health Level Seven® (HL7®) FHIR standard. Federal agencies and partners will be encouraged to use the draft plan to identify and address common needs, coordinate among fellow agencies and the broader community, and reuse and advance proven capabilities. Review the draft at About the Draft Federal FHIR® Action Plan | Interoperability Standards Platform (ISP). Comments are due by Monday, Nov. 25.
Request for Information: Development of Interoperability Standards for Human Service Programs
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), invites public comments to inform the use or adoption of interoperability standards for human services programs. ACF seeks public comment on the most effective approaches, technical standards, and technological tools that currently or could promote interoperability between health and human services programs. Additional information on the RFI is available at Federal Register - Request for Information: Administration for Children and Families Development of Interoperability Standards for Human Service Programs. Comments are due by Friday, Dec. 27.
Did You Know?
As we wrapped up the 2024 MN HIMSS and Minnesota e-Health Initiative virtual conference we would like to extend a huge thank you to presenters, coordinators and everyone who attended. It was a great opportunity to connect with subject matter experts to learn about and discuss current industry topics. If you missed out, it’s not too late to catch up! All four of the sessions are available to view on-demand at 2024 HIMSS MN Chapter and Minnesota e-Health Initiative Virtual Series - Stratis Health. This year, each session highlighted how artificial intelligence intersects with the following topics, health equity, workforce, cybersecurity, and the patient experience.
Minnesota News
Final session of virtual series on Thursday!
The 2024 MN HIMSS and Minnesota e-Health Initiative virtual conference wraps up with the fourth and final session on Thursday, Oct. 10. This session will focus on artificial intelligence and the patient experience. It features keynotes Edward Marx, MS, Chief Executive Officer, Marx Advisory and Cris Ross, Chief Information Officer of Mayo Clinic.
The duo recently co-authored, “DIAGNOSED, An Insider’s Guide for Your Healthcare Journey.” During this session, they will share insights on the importance of enhancing health care for both patients and professionals, along with a concise, direct and hopeful call to action.
Register for the MN HIMSS and Minnesota e-Health Initiative virtual conference series. Each session highlights one of the following topics, health equity, workforce, cybersecurity, and the patient experience, and explores how AI intersects with each. Sessions are being recorded and posted to the Stratis Health webpage. Registration is free. Participants can attend any or all sessions which are from noon to 1:30 p.m. CT.
RFI for Health Care Provider Directory Study
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is seeking input on the impact, costs and considerations for a statewide shared health care provider directory (statewide shared provider directory) as part of a health care provider directory study. This Request for Information (RFI) is part of a legislative request to assess the feasibility and stakeholder commitment to develop, manage and maintain a statewide electronic directory of health care providers. This RFI is intended to gather input from a wide range of stakeholders regarding a statewide shared provider directory.
Who Should Respond
While responses to this RFI are welcome from any individual or organization, MDH strongly encourages responses from the following types of stakeholders:
- Health systems, health care providers and provider organizations of all specialties and sizes (including mental/behavioral health)
- Health plans, payers and purchasers
- Local and state government programs, departments and agencies
- Non-clinical community-based and social service organizations
- Consumers and patient advocacy groups
- Vendors
Respondents are encouraged to include multiple perspectives from their organization and stakeholder groups.
The RFI is posted on the Minnesota Provider Directory Study webpage with a separate link to the response survey tool. Responses must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16.