Minnesota e-Health Initiative Meetings & Events
Meetings and events sponsored by the Minnesota e-Health Initiative
2024 HIMSS MN Chapter & Minnesota e-Health Initiative Virtual Conference Series
Quarterly Minnesota e-Health Advisory Committee Meetings
Minnesota e-Health Initiative Workgroups
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Wednesday, April 2
This is a virtual meeting: Join the meeting
Meeting agenda TBD.
Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public. There is also an in-person option, as required by open meeting law. If you are interested in attending in person, please RSVP with your full name at mn.ehealth@state.mn.us by 5pm on April 1.
Minnesota Department of Health
Orville L. Freeman Building
625 Robert St N
St. Paul, MN 55155
For more information please see the Minnesota e-Health Initiative Advisory Committee webpage.
Wednesday, May 21
** Meeting information will be added when available **
For more information please see the Minnesota e-Health Initiative Advisory Committee webpage.