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MTRA By-laws
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Minnesota Trauma Registry Alliance, hereafter referred to as MTRA.
Article II: Authority
MTRA shall be a voluntary, cooperative organization of persons involved with trauma registries throughout the state of Minnesota. Authority is derived from majority decisions reached by MTRA.
Article III: Purpose and Objectives
Section 1
The purpose of MTRA shall be to promote the development and maintenance of trauma registries throughout the state of Minnesota.
Section 2
The objectives of MTRA shall be:
- To provide educational opportunities related to trauma registries.
- To provide assistance to new registries in their development.
- To actively participate in the development, implementation, and maintenance of a statewide and national trauma registry.
- To ensure standardization among registries.
Article IV: Membership
Section 1
Membership in MTRA shall be open to any person/organization involved with hospital-based trauma registries within the state of Minnesota.
Section 2
Meetings will be held quarterly at a location and date agreed upon by the members of MTRA. Meetings of the members may be called or cancelled by the Chair.
Section 3
A majority of the total institution membership, either present in person or by proxy at a membership, meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4
Members’ responsibilities include respecting the confidential nature of discussions at meetings and using all appropriate means to maintain confidentiality of information.
Section 5
Voting rights of members will be one (1) vote per institution, limited to those institutions which have active hospital-based trauma registries. On issues related to the dissemination of data from hospital-based trauma registries, only those members with data to contribute shall vote.
Article V: Officers
Section 1
The officers of the organization shall consist of the committee chair and a secretary, elected by voting members annually at the first meeting of the calendar year.
Section 2
The officers shall serve for a two (2) year term. No person shall serve as an officer who has been a member for less than one year. The officers will be elected among voting members. No person shall serve as an officer for more than two (2) consecutive terms for a total of four (4) years. The newly elected officers will assume their duties at the next meeting following the annual vote.
Section 3
The duties of the chair shall be as follows:
- Coordinate meetings, including date, location, agenda, materials, speakers, etc.
- Preside at membership meetings.
- Assure documentation of meetings (minutes) by either submitting minutes or designating a member to record minutes.
- Represent MTRA to outside agencies and organizations.
- Assume duties of the secretary in their absence. In the event that the secretary cannot continue in their role, the chair will assume the duties of the secretary until a new secretary is elected. The election of a new secretary will be the first agenda item at the next regularly scheduled meeting of MTRA.
- Serve as a contact person for the MTRA website.
Section 4
The duties of the secretary shall be as follows:
- Assure documentation of meetings (minutes) by submitting minutes to membership within two weeks of each meeting.
- Maintain a master file of all materials related to MTRA meetings and activities.
- Assume duties of the chair in their absence. In the event that the chair cannot continue in their role, the secretary will assume the duties of the chair until a new chair is elected. The election of a new chair will be the first agenda item at the next regularly scheduled meeting of MTRA.
- Update and maintain MTRA website.
Article VI: Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority governing all meetings.
Revised and accepted, April 22, 1994
Revised, February 11, 1997
Reviewed, January 19, 2001
Revised and accepted, January 16, 2004
Revised and accepted October 12, 2007