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Newborn Screening Materials and Resources:
Newborn Screening Videos
The following videos have been created to help families and health care providers learn more about newborn screening.
Newborn Blood Spots Save Lives...One Spot at a Time
To perform blood spot screening, a few drops of blood from each newborn's heel are collected on a special filter paper. These samples are dried and then sent to the laboratory for screening. The small circles of dried blood are known as blood spots, and they are essential not only for the life-saving screening of each newborn, but also to assure the quality of current screening in general and for the development of new screening tests. The following video provides a discussion of these and other critical issues about newborn blood spot screening.
Newborn Screening Bloodspot Test (video: 17 minutes)
Newborn Screening Bloodspot Test Video Text (PDF)
One Foot at a Time
The Save Babies Through Screening Foundation developed this educational film to share the experiences of parents and experts regarding the newborn screening process.
Newborn Screening Saves Babies.....One Foot at A Time from Save Babies on Vimeo
Newborn Screening Saves Babies...One Foot at a Time Video Text (PDF)