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Sexual Violence Prevention
Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Data Publication Archive
Older publications
- Community Conversations on Preventing Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, and Sex Trafficking (PDF)
- Describes findings that emerged from a series of Minnesota regional community conversations about the prevention of sexual violence, domestic violence, and sex trafficking.
- Community-Identified Prevention Pathways (PDF). This is a two-page summary of the findings from the community conversations.
- Rape on Minnesota College Campuses: Comparing Reported Rape with Synthetic Estimated Data, 2012 (PDF)
- Contributes to the growing body of evidence indicating that mechanisms for boosting reporting rates on college campuses is crucial to successful sexual violence prevention on college campuses.
- Self-reported Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Data Brief, 2005 (PDF)
- Summarizes intimate partner and sexual violence victimization from three different Minnesota surveys and one national survey.
- Intimate Partner Violence Data Brief: 1998-2003 (PDF)
- Provides detailed information on hospital-treated intimate partner violence compared to an earlier data brief (Intimate Partner Violence Data Brief: 1998 to 2001 (PDF), which is still available for archival reasons only and not intended to be used in place of this more current data brief).
- Sexual Violence Data Brief: 1999 to 2001 (PDF)
- Details the number of Minnesotans who received hospital care because of injuries sustained from sexual violence; also includes analysis of sexual violence-related questions from the 18 to 21 Year-old Survey, Minnesota Student Survey, and Minnesota Crime Survey.
Last Updated: 08/27/2024