Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant
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Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Block Grant Grantee Information
In Minnesota, two-thirds of Minnesota's Title V MCH Block Grant funds is distributed to Community Health Boards (CHBs). CHBs are required to provide annual financial and statistical information on how they used Title V funds.
In 2018, reporting of Title V MCH Block Grant reporting (including questions related to TANF) moved to REDCap. Community Health Boards no longer use PPMRS to report Title V MCH Block Grant statistical and financial data.
Instructions for annual reporting:
- Instructions for FFY 2024 Title V MCH Block Annual Reporting (PDF)
- Title V MCH Block Grant Report Workbook for FFY2024 (Excel)
Report data:
Annual report due date: January 31, 2025
Additional helpful information:
Developing work plans
Title V MCH Block Grant Work Plan, FFY 2025 (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025) (PDF)
Submitting work plans:
Annual report due date: January 31, 2025
Additional helpful information:
Minnesota’s Title V MCH Block Grant program is working to build a holistic view of maternal and child health work in the state. We are collecting success stories from all levels of public health across Minnesota. Do you have a success story you wish to share about work on maternal and child health in Minnesota? Please consider taking the time to fill out the survey, sign up for an informational interview with a member of the Title V team, or upload a report.
Title V Maternal and Child Health Success Survey
Filling out the survey or an interview should take between 5 and 30 minutes. Success stories pertaining to the Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant priority areas may be featured in our priority briefs or included in our federal and legislative reporting. Programs may also be highlighted in our social media and posted to the state website. Please contact Molly Meyer with any questions.
Molly Meyer
Child and Family Health
Elizabeth Taylor-Schiro
Child and Family Health