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Health Care Workforce Data
Demographics & Characteristics of Licensed Health Care Providers
* Denotes an answer choice with 1 to 10 responses.
** Denotes data that has been suppressed by collapsing multiple response options that each have 1 to 10 responses into one “Suppressed” category.
*** Denotes a question for which respondents could select multiple response options. For these questions, the total percentages will not sum to 100%.
For all other graphs, percentages may not total to exactly 100.0% due to rounding.
When two or more work setting responses received 1 to 10 responses for a given profession, those responses have been collapsed into the “Other” option.
For more information about our survey and analysis methods, please see our Survey Methodology page.
Download the Data:
Minnesota's Licensed Health Care Workforce Dashboard Data Tables and Data Dictionary (Excel)