Health Maintenance Organization Licensure
The Health Maintenance Organization Checklist (PDF) includes the items that prospective HMOs must submit to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) in order for MDH to issue a certificate of authority to operate as an HMO. Prospective HMOs must complete the checklist and submit all applicable information to MDH in accordance with the instructions on the attached form.
Minnesota HMO Benefits Checklist
The Minnesota Department of Health has compiled this HMO required benefit checklist for use by HMO issuers and the public to have a greater understanding of HMO required benefits in Minnesota. This checklist is based on state laws, rules and applicable federal law.
Minnesota HMO Required Benefits Checklist (PDF)
This is not an exhaustive list of all laws that apply to HMOs. Additional state or federal requirements govern other provisions found in policy forms and certificates.Administrative Bulletin re: Conversion Therapy (PDF)