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Formula Guidance - WIC Staff
Minnesota WIC Contract Formula
Updated 10/10/2024
Minnesota WIC currently contracts with Enfamil and Soy Isomil formulas.
Most formula large can size substitutions are no longer allowed. Participants can use their benefits to purchase large can sizes of Enfamil Enfacare, if they find it in store, through January 2025.
- Minnesota WIC Enfamil Formula Substitutions (PDF)
- Sustituciones para las Fórmulas Enfamil del Programa WIC de Minnesota (PDF)
- Isbeddelka Formula Enfamil WIC ka ee Minnesota (PDF)
Infant Formula Decision Tree (PDF) - Common formula feeding concerns; standard formula; infant formula decision tree; medical formulas.
Changing Formulas (PDF) - For participants: what to expect when changing baby's formula and how to safely switch to a new formula.
Formula Document
Infant Formula (PDF) - Effective October 1, 2022 - contract formula shopping guide inserts in English and Spanish.
MN WIC Contract Formula Amounts Guide (PDF) - Effective October 2022
Changing Formula Already Issued - 3/2/22 (PDF) - Cheat sheet for changing/replacing formula in HuBERT.
Medical Formula
Changes to Pediasure Grow & Gain with Fiber - 6/14/23 (PDF)
Other Information
Preventing Cronobacter in Infants | CDC - If your participants have questions about how to safely prepare formula, you can refer them to their health care provider.
FDA Advises Parents and Caregivers to Not Make or Feed Homemade Infant Formula to Infants
American Academy of Pediatrics: Don't feed homemade formula to babies; seek help instead