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WIC MOM Updates
The following changes have been made to MOM in the past 6 months.
11/2024- Section 6.7: Additional Nutrition Education (PDF)
Clarification: Policy has been updated with changes related to Exit Counseling and discontinuing the use of the term “Education Choice.” See Exit Counseling (PDF) for information on the policy change and how to implement it.
Clarification: Information System policies (MOM Chapter 9), previously available in draft form, were created and/or updated to support the new web-based information system (WINNIE). These policies are in final form and ready for implementation:
- Section 9.1: Introduction WIC Information System (PDF)
- Section 9.2: Information System Hardware (PDF)
- Section 9.3: Information System Software (PDF)
- Section 9.4: Network, Browser, and User Access Security (PDF)
- Section 9.5: Equipment Inventory (PDF)
- Section 9.6: Electronic Communications Security (PDF)
10/2024 - Section 1.17: Emergency Actions (PDF)
Clarification: Addresses the ABFA waiver allowances and inclusion of Federal alternate operating procedure considerations; Outlines resources for Local Agencies to help with disaster planning, response, and recovery; Called the need to support breastfeeding in emergencies.
Section 5.7: Referrals (PDF)
Clarification: Clarified the overall referral procedures for CPAs; Broadened criteria for high-risk medical referrals; Enhanced documentation requirements; Clarified procedures for child abuse/endangerment reporting.
Section 6.6: High Risk Individual Nutrition Care Plans (PDF)
Clarification: system assigned high risk designation can now be resolved during a certification.
Section 5.5: Change in Guardianship and or Foster Care Provision of WIC Services (PDF) and Section 8.5: Replacing WIC Cards (PDF)
Clarification: deactivating the WIC card is no longer a standard practice, with this change, these policies have been updated to remove this as the first step when replacing WIC cards.
Exhibit 1-K: Rights and Responsibilities (Spanish) (PDF)
Clarification: correction made on Spanish translation of the Exhibit 1-K: Rights & Responsibilities under Uso de la información.
9/2024 - Exhibit 1-K: Rights & Responsibilities
Clarification: updated the language in the Use of Information section to align with the Tennessen Warning.
8/2024 - Exhibit 2-C: Request to Increase Administrative Funds (RIAF) (PDF)
Clarification: Directions were added about downloading the document.
6/2024 - Exhibit 5-A: Minnesota WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines (PDF)
Clarification: Updated Income Eligibility Guidelines for MN Health Care Programs/Insurance Affordability Programs (Medical Assistance /Medicaid with 2024-2025 Income Eligibility Guidelines
Exhibit 5-C: Identification Requirements by WIC Contact Type (PDF)
Clarification: New Exhibit created as a desk top reference to help local agencies determine acceptable forms of participant and proxy identification for each contact type (new certification, recertification, nutrition ed visit, etc.).
Section 5.2.3: Identity (PDF)
Clarification: Updated policy to clarify ID requirements during the certification process. Added guidance for handling situations in which the parent/guardian or proxy lacks necessary identification. Added reference to new Exhibit 5-C. Requirements for verbal verification of identity have been strengthened. Additionally, Known to Staff and WIC Card are no longer acceptable forms of ID for an Authorized representative/proxy at any contact type.
Section 5.2.2: Residency (PDF), Section 5.2.4: Income (PDF), and Section 5.2.3: Identity (PDF)
Clarification: revised definition of migrant farmworker families in waiver allowances and procedures in handling waivers.
- Section 5.2 Certification Procedures (PDF) was updated with revised 5.2 sections.
Section 8.3: Issuing WIC Cards (PDF)
Clarification: revised content to focus on initial MN WIC card issuance only. References to verbal verification of ID were removed from this policy. Added reference to Exhibit 5-C for acceptable forms of ID at this contact type. Clarified guidance regarding assisting participants in the Safe at Home program.
Section 8.4: Issuing Food Benefits (PDF)
Clarification: emphasized the requirement to verify ID whenever issuing benefits. Removed references to verifying ID via the WIC card; the WIC card is no longer an acceptable proof of ID for mid-certifications, Nutrition Education visits, or benefit issuance. Added guidance for how to designate a proxy by phone.
Section 8.5: Replacing WIC Cards (PDF)
Clarification: specified the requirement to obtain the primary card holder's signature upon issuing a WIC card. Added a reference to Exhibit 5-C for guidance on verifying ID.
4/2024 - Exhibit 5-A Minnesota WIC Income Eligibility Guidelines (PDF)
Clarification: Updated the Standard WIC income guidelines with 2024-2025 Income Eligibility Guidelines