Vital Statistics Interactive Query
Center for Health Statistics
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Vital Statistics
The Minnesota Vital Statistics System compiles statistical data on all births, deaths, infant deaths, and fetal deaths in Minnesota.
The MDH Center for Health Statistics has birth data from 1980-present and deaths from 1944-present.
The MDH Center for Health Statistics can create the following customized reports upon request, although the list provided is not inclusive.
- Low birth weight babies to singleton births (percentages)
- Population estimates by race and ethnicity
- Socioeconomic statistics: educational attainment
- Natality statistics: fertility rate, birth rate, death rate
- Fertility statistics: pregnancy rate, fetal deaths rate
- Teen birth and pregnancy counts
- Prenatal care utilization percentages
- Preterm and birth weight (percentages)
Individuals requesting specific data should allow at least two weeks for their request to be processed. Depending on the scope of the request, MDH may fulfill it more quickly.
Email the MDH Center for Health Statistics for more information and to request data:
The MDH Center for Health Statistics published marriage and divorce data from 1997-2009; this practice has been discontinued. MDH can make the data for 1997-2009 available upon request. For data from other years, contact the counties where the marriages or divorces occurred.
You can download CSV and/or ZIP files by navigating to the topic pages below, visiting the specific headings noted below, and selecting "data tables for download":
- Births Interactive Query
Data tables for download available under:
Natality data
Natality data table
Crude birth rates
Crude fertility rates - Deaths Interactive Query
Data tables for download available under:
Mortality data
Mortality data table
Crude death rates
Age-adjusted death rates
Premature deaths (<75 years) and age-adjusted rates
Please note that the annual summary data files align with the aggregate data in the natality and mortality data dashboards, while the annual summary data table files correspond to the cross-tabulations in the natality and mortality data table dashboards.
MDH will refresh the dashboards with new data as it becomes available, incorporating subsequent years.
Vital statistics are essential for monitoring population health, tracking trends, and evaluating the impact of public health interventions. They help identify health disparities across demographic groups, guiding efforts to improve equity and access, while also providing the foundation for evidence-based policy-making and resource allocation. Additionally, these statistics are crucial for supporting epidemiological research, disease surveillance, and effective crisis management in public health emergencies and global initiatives.
For future data requests or any inquiries, please contact the MDH Center for Health Statistics by email ( or phone (651-201-3880).
To safeguard personal privacy and prevent the disclosure of information that could identify individuals, small data values are restricted in specific circumstances. Incidence counts, rates, and other metrics are not disclosed when the counts fall below a certain threshold relative to the representative demographic population. Data values falling below the established ‘cut-off’ threshold are marked as ‘*’ when applicable conditions are met.