WIC Breastfeeding Resources
Related topics:
About Breastfeeding | Why Breastfeed? | La Lactancia Materna (Breastfeeding - Spanish) | Nuujinta (Breastfeeding - Somali)
On this page:
Research Study Opportunities for Pregnant WIC participants | My Breastfeeding Hospital Goals Checklist | Hug Your Baby | Answers to Common Questions | Video Resources | Minnesota Laws Protect Parents | Returning to Work or School | Additional Languages
Research Study Opportunities for Pregnant WIC participants
TodaysBaby (todaysbaby.org/enroll/?ws=0M) Baby Care Education and Research Study Opportunities - Videos and text messages to help you make the best choices for your baby!
The TodaysBaby programs have been developed by infant care experts and contain up-to-date information on baby sleep, baby feeding, or baby-parent interactions. Sign up to receive baby care information and short videos delivered either by text message or through participation in a private Facebook group.
You may be eligible to participate in one of the research studies if:
- You are currently pregnant and less than 30 weeks along in your pregnancy
- You are 18 years of age or older
Participation includes:
- Receive free baby care educational videos and messages throughout your pregnancy and until your baby is 6 months old.
- Complete surveys and answer text message questions about how you plan to take care of your baby.
- Receive up to $50 in gift cards to thank you for your time.
My Breastfeeding Hospital Goals Checklist
- My Breastfeeding Goals in the Hospital (PDF)
- Mi meta de amamantar en el hospital - Spanish (PDF)
- Ujeedada aan ka leeyahay naas-nuujinta - Somali (PDF)
Hug Your Baby
Digital Parent Resource Page
Resources in English and Spanish to help support breastfeeding during baby’s first year, including Roadmap to Breastfeeding Success, video advice, newsletters, and lullabies.
Answers to Common Questions
USDA WIC Breastfeeding Support
USDA WIC Breastfeeding Support provides information, resources, and support with breastfeeding.
BabyGooRoo has breastfeeding information in written and video formats.
KellyMom has parenting and evidence-based up to date breastfeeding information.
La Leche League
Breastfeeding information for parents provided by La Leche League International.
It's Only Natural
Breastfeeding information and tips focused on African American families.
Ready, Set, BABY
Interactive website with audio clips and quizzes.
Information for getting breastfeeding off to a great start in the hospital and the first few days. Short videos, downloadable materials, and a free mobile app.
WIC is here to help! For support with your breastfeeding questions and concerns, connect with your local WIC agency.
Video Resources
Baby Behavior Education
Short videos on cues babies give that indicate hunger, fullness, or I just want to be held.
First Droplets
Dr. Jane Morton's videos to promote milk supply and get families off to a good start.
Hand Expression of Breastmilk
Dr. Jane Morton demonstrates how to easily hand express breastmilk.
- Laid-back breastfeeding positioning can help make breastfeeding easier.
- Natural breastfeeding for an easier start
Sample of Biological Nurturing
Breastfeeding in the First Hour
Video to help establish successful breastfeeding from birth.
Minnesota Laws Protect Parents
Breastfeed - Anywhere, anytime
Minnesota Statute 145.905 says a mother may breastfeed in any location, public or private, where the mother and child are otherwise authorized to be. Breastfeeding is not considered indecent exposure (Minnesota Statute 617.23).
Workplace support for breastfeeding (revised in 2023)
Minnesota Statute 181.939 says an employer must provide break time daily to allow an employee to express breastmilk. The space should be in close proximity to the work area, not a bathroom or toilet stall, shielded from view, free from intrusion and includes access to an electrical outlet. See the statute for important details.
Minnesota Laws Protect Pregnant and Breastfeeding Parents (PDF)
Downloadable image formatted to view on a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Tips for Talking to Your Employer (PDF)
Conversation tips to help you feel prepared for sharing the news about your pregnancy and pumping needs with your employer.
Returning to Work or School
Breastmilk. Every Ounce Counts.
Breastfeeding information for working parents.
CDC Breast Milk Storage and Preparation
Guidelines for storing human milk, including cleaning of infant feeding items, and pumping Equipment.
Maximizing Milk Production with Hands on Pumping
Excellent video for those separated from baby due to work, school, or hospitalization.
Paced Bottle Feeding
How to bottle-feed any baby to help prevent overfeeding.
Additional Languages
WIC offers services in any language and accommodations for a disability. These are free services. Connect with your local WIC agency.
- ECHO Breastfeeding Your Baby Videos
Short videos about the importance of breastfeeding, and techniques and tips to successfully breastfeed. - Breastfeeding your baby (Spanish)
- Breastfeeding your baby (Russian)
- Breastfeeding your baby (Arabic)
- Global Health Media
Videos and visuals for common breastfeeding concerns. There are 47 video languages available.
The Benefits of Breastfeeding Your Baby
Video resource in Somali language.
Best Start
Breastfeeding resources translated into Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Health Information Translations
Written health education resources in multiple languages on a variety of topics including breastfeeding basics and common problems.
Hmong Breastfeeding Coalition Videos
Videos are in Hmong and English and include topics like supporting your partner and handling breastmilk.