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Environmental Health Division
Lead Poisoning Prevention
Pre-Renovation Education (PRE) Program and the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP)
This web site serves as a summary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) PRE and RRP regulations. If you have specific questions, please contact EPA Region V at 1-800-621-8431.
If you have complaints regarding the PRE and RRP regulations, you can Report the Environmental Violation to the EPA or call them at 1-800-424-LEAD (5323).
For questions regarding RRP and obtaining a municipal building permit, please contact the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) at 1-800-657-3944.
Many houses and apartments built before 1978 have paint that contains lead. Lead from paint, chips, and dust can pose serious health hazards if not taken care of properly.
In order to minimize potential lead hazards from renovation or repair activities, Federal law requires a two step process. The first step is that contractors must provide lead information to residents before renovating or repairing pre-1978 housing. This is known as the Pre-Renovation Education (PRE) Program. It requires contractors to give property owners and tenants a pamphlet titled “Renovate Right”, before starting work. The second step is known as the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule. This rule requires contractors be certified and follow lead-safe work practices.
- EPA: Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Program Rules - This web page contains information on the RRP for contractors, property owners, real estate agents, training providers and others.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently authorized EPA-certified Renovators to collect paint chip samples in order to Rulesidentify lead painted surfaces with the following exemption. Federal Register/Vol. 76, No. 151/Friday, August 5, 2011/Rules and Regulations, page 47,924 (PDF) states in part, "in those states that do not permit persons other than certified inspectors or risk assessors to sample or test for lead-based paint, certified renovators will not be able to exercise this option."
In Minnesota, paint chip sampling may only be performed by a licensed lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor. EPA-certified Renovators who are not MDH licensed lead inspectors or risk assessors may not use paint chip sampling to identify lead painted surfaces. If you have questions regarding this, please contact the Minnesota Department of Health Asbestos and Lead Compliance Program at (651) 201-4620.
Training Schedules
RRP Training Providers
Find training course providers in your area by searching the EPA Accredited Renovation Training Programs website.
Waste Handling
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has specific requirements regarding lead contaminated waste generated during renovation activities.
Of Interest
Other environmental factors should also be considered in your remodeling project, such as asbestos, mold, and radon.
For more information, you may want to visit MDH's Healthy Homes Web site.