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Amharic (Amarɨñña/አማርኛ) Translated Materials
MDH materials translated into Amharic. If you are unable to find the information you need, call the MDH general line at 651-201-5000 and ask for an interpreter.
On this page:
Cover your cough
የኮቪድ-19 (COVID-19)
Depression or anxiety during and after pregnancy
Food safety
Hand hygiene
Health information
የሄፓታይተስ B (hepatitis B)
የክትባት (immunizations)
Infant mortality
Mental health
Tuberculosis (TB)
- አንትራክስ (PDF)
For more information > Anthrax Facts - ቦትዩሊዝም (PDF)
For more information > Botulism Facts - ብሩሴሎሲስ (PDF)
For more information > Brucellosis Facts - ወረርሽኝ (PDF)
For more information > Plague Facts - ሪሲን (PDF)
For more information > Ricin Facts - ፈንጣጣ (PDF)
For more information > Smallpox Facts - ቱላሪሚያ (PDF)
For more information > Tularemia - ከቫይረስ የሚመጡ ብዙ ደም የሚያስፈስሱ ትኩሳቶች (PDF)
Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs)
For more information > Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (VHFs) Facts
For more information > Bioterrorism Diseases
Cover your cough
- Cover Your Cough Poster for Health Care (PDF) - አማርኛ
- Cover Your Cough Poster for the Community (PDF) - አማርኛ
For more information > Cover Your Cough
የኮቪድ-19 (COVID-19)
COVID-19 disease
- የኮቪድ-19 ምልክቶችን በቤት ውስጥ መቆጣጠር - ፅሁፍ (YouTube)
Managing COVID-19 symptoms at home - በማህበረሰብውስጥ COVID-19 እንዴት ይሰራጫል (YouTube)
How COVID-19 spreads in communities - በማህበረሰብውስጥ COVID-19 እንዴት ይሰራጫል (PDF)
How COVID-19 spreads in communities, video transcript - የኮቪድ 19 (COVID-19) ምልክቶች ማስታወቂያ (YouTube)
COVID-19 symptoms PSA, video - የኮቪድ-19 ምልክቶችን በቤት ውስጥ መቆጣጠር - ፅሁ (YouTube)
Managing COVID-19 symptoms at home, video - የኮቪድ-19 ምልክቶችን በቤት ውስጥ መቆጣጠር - ፅሁፍ (PDF)
Managing COVID-19 symptoms at home, video transcript
የኮቪድ-19 ክትባት (COVID-19 vaccine)
- ልጅዎን ከ COVID-19 ይጠብቁ (YouTube)
Protect your child from COVID-19, video - ልጅዎን ከ COVID-19 ይጠብቁ (PDF)
Protect your child from COVID-19, transcript - የ COVID-19 ክትባቶች እንዴት ይሰራሉ (PDF)
How mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are made - በተደጋጋሚ የሚጠየቁ የ COVID-19 ክትባት አዘገጃጀት (YouTube)
Frequently asked questions about how vaccines are made, video - ስለ COVID-19 ክትባቶች እንዴት እንደተሠሩ አብዛኛዉን ግዜ የምጠየቁ ጥያቄዎች ጽሁፍ (PDF)
Frequently asked questions about how vaccines are made, video - ክትባትን ጥሶ የማለፍ ጉዳዮች ምንድን ናቸው? (PDF)
What are vaccine breakthrough cases, video transcript - የኮቭድ-19 ክትባቶች፦ በአስራዎቹ እድሜዎች ያሉ ማወቅ ያለባቸው ነገሮች (PDF)
COVID-19 vaccines: What teens should know, video transcript - ምን ይጠበቃል፦ የተንቀሳቃሽ የክትባት ክሊኒክ የመጎብኘት ጽሁፍ (PDF)
What to expect when visiting a mobile vaccination clinic, video transcript - የCOVID-19 ክትባት ማጎልበቻ ክትባቶች ምንድናቸዉ? (YouTube)
What are COVID-19 booster shots, video - የ COVID-19 ክትባት አጋዥ ክትባቶች ምንድን ናቸው? (PDF)
What are COVID-19 booster shots, video transcript - የCOVID-19 ክትባት አጋዥ ክትባቶች የሚያስፈልጉት ለምንድን ነው? (PDF)
Why are COVID-19 booster shots necessary, video transcript - አጋዥ ክትባቶች የሚያስፈልጋቸው ከሆኑ ሰዎች ለምን የCOVID-19 ክትባትመከተብ ይኖርባቸዋል? (PDF)
Why should people get vaccinated if we need booster shots, video transcript - በክትባት ጊዜ ልጅዎን እንዴት እንድሚይዙ (PDF)
How to hold your child during vaccination - ጤናን ይምረጡ ፣ ቆዳ የሚያቀላን ያስወግዱ (PDF)
Choose Health, Avoid Skin Lightening Products - የዘመነውን የ 2023-2024 የ COVID-19 ክትባት ያግኙ (PDF)
Get the updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 testing
- ምርመራ ማድረግ ያለብኝ መቼ ነው? ምልክቶች (PDF)
When should I get tested? Symptoms, video transcript - ምርመራ ማድረግ ያለብኝ መቼ ነው? የቅርብ ንክኪ (PDF)
When should I get tested? Close contact, video transcript
- ኮቪድ-19 የጭንብል ምርጥ ልምምዶች (YouTube)
Do's and don'ts of wearing a mask, video - ስለጭምብል መደረግ ያለበት እና መደረግ የሌለበት ነገር - ለተማሪዎች (YouTube)
Mask do's and don'ts video for students - ለተማሪዎች የተዘጋጀ ሰነድ፣ ስለፊት ጭምብል መደረግ ያለባቸው እና መደረግ የሌለባቸው ነገሮች (PDF)
Mask do's and don'ts for students, video transcript
COVID-19 general
- ምቹ የሆነ ጉዞ ለማድረግ ሁሉንም ነገር ይዘዋል? (PDF)
Got everything for a smooth trip? - ለመሄድ ዝግጁ ነዎት? (PDF)
Ready for takeoff? - ለመሄድ ፈቃድ አግኝተዋል? (PDF)
Cleared for takeoff? - ምቹ የሆነ ጉዞ ለማድረግ ሁሉንም ነገር ይዘዋል? (PDF)
Got everything you need for a safe trip? - ህመም ቢሰማዎት ምን ማድረግ እንዳለብዎት - ለተማሪዎች (YouTube)
What to do if you feel sick video for students - ህመም ቢሰማችሁ ምን ማድረግ እንዳለባችሁ - ለተማሪዎች የተዘጋጀ ጽሁፍ (PDF)
What to do if you feel sick, video transcript for students
For more information > Videos for COVID-19 Response (languages)
For more information > Materials and Resources for Coronavirus Disease
Depression or anxiety during and after pregnancy
- በእርግዝና ወቅት እና በኋላ ድብርት ወይም ጭንቀት (PDF)
Depression or anxiety during and after pregnancy - የእኔ ድህረ ወሊድ ደህንነት እቅድ (PDF)
Postpartum well-being plan
For more information > Depression or Anxiety During and After Pregnancy Brochure and Postpartum Well-being Plan
- Fight the Flu Poster - black and white (PDF) - አማርኛ
- Fight the Flu Poster - color (PDF) - አማርኛ
- Fight the Flu Bookmark - black and white - (PDF) - አማርኛ
- Fight the Flu Bookmark - color (PDF) - አማርኛ
For more information > Fight the Flu
Food safety
- በከተማ መሬት አትክልት ማብቀል (PDF)
Gardening in urban soil - የዶሮ ስጋውን አይጠቡ! (PDF)
Do not wash your chicken - የታሸገውሃ: ጥያቄዎችእናመልሶች (PDF)
Bottled water fact sheet
For more information > Food Safety
Hand hygiene
- እጆችዎን *በደንብ እንዴት እንደሚታጠቡ (ለ 20 ሰኮንዶች) (YouTube)
How to wash your hands video - Wash Your Hands poster (in 24 languages) (PDF)
For more information > Wash Your Hands
Health information
For more information > Health Education Materials for Refugees
For more information > How to sign up for docket
የሄፓታይተስ B
(hepatitis B)
- የሄፓታይተስ B መረጃ ለእርጉዝ ሴቶች (PDF)
Hepatitis B information for pregnant women
For more information > Hepatitis B Information for Pregnant Women
- ልጄ በነጻ ወይም በዝቅተኛ ዋጋ ክትባት ማግኘት ይችላልን/ትችላለችን? (PDF)
Can my child get free or low cost shots?
For more information > Free or Low-Cost Shots for Children
For more information, in English:
Vaccines for Infants, Children, and Adolescents
Are Your Kids Ready? Minnesota K-12 immunization law (PDF)
Are Your Kids Ready? Child Care and Early Childhood Programs Immunization Law (PDF)
Infant mortality
- የህጻናት አስተማማኝ እንቅልፍ A-B-C ዎቹን ይወቁ (PDF)
Infant safe sleep, quick card
For more information > Sudden Unexpected Infant Death - የሆድ ጊዜ (PDF)
Tummy time
For more information > Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative
- ጉዞ እያሰቡ ነዉ? (PDF)
Thinking about traveling ... prevent malaria poster - በረራዎችን እንጂ በወባ አይያዙ (PDF)
Catch flights, not malaria poster - Malaria Facts for Travelers (PDF) - አማርኛ
- I am planning a trip overseas (PDF) - አማርኛ
For more information > About Malaria
For more information > Think Measles
Mental health
- WE-CHECK የሚኒሶታ የጤንነት እና የስሜቶች ማጣሪያ (PDF)
WE-Check: Minnesota Well-being and Emotions Check
- የዝንጀሮ ፈንጣጣ፦ እውነታዎቹን ይረዱ (PDF)
Mpox: Get the facts
- Active TB Disease (PDF) - አማርኛ
For more information > Active TB Disease - ተላላፊ የሳንባ ነቀርሳ ላለባቸው በሽተኞች እቤት ውስጥ የሚደረግ የመተንፈሻ ጥንቃቄዎች (PDF)
Home respiratory precautions for patients with potentially infectious tuberculosis
For more information > Home Respiratory Precautions for Patients with Potentially Infectious Tuberculosis - ለነቀርሳ ምርመራ የAክታ ማጠራቀሚያ መመሪያ PDF)
Instruction for collecting sputum for TB (tuberculosis)
For more information > Instructions for Collecting Sputum for TB (Tuberculosis) - የነቀርሳ ተላላፊነት ምርመራዎች (PDF)
TB contact investigations
For more information > TB Contact Investigations - The TB Skin Test (Mantoux) (PDF) - አማርኛ
For more information > The TB (Tuberculosis) Skin Test (Mantoux) - ሕክምና ለተደበቀ የሳንባ-ነቀርሳ (ቲቢ) በሽታ ሪፋምፒን (PDF)
Treatment oflLatent TB (tuberculosis) infection (LTBI)
For more information > Treatment for Latent TB Infection (LTBI) - ሕክምና ለተደበቀ (ያልነቃ) የሳንባ-ነቀርሳ (ቲቢ) በሽታ ኣይሶንያዚድና ሪፋፔታይን (ኣይ.ኤን.ኤች - ኣር.ፒ.ቲ) (PDF)
Treatment for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection - isoniazid and rifapentine (INH-RPT)
For more information > Treatment for Latent Tuberculosis (TB) Infection Isoniazid and Rifapentine (INH-RPT)>
For more information > TB Fact Sheets and Brochures by Language